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Cyndalie 07-16-2009 09:15 AM

What's the ideal family size?
Traditionally family speaking, what's the ideal family size these days?
1 kid, 2 kids, 4 kids, no kids...

Evil Chris 07-16-2009 09:51 AM

Most people would probably say 2. My brother in-law now has 4!
I could see myself with a higher than average number of kids like that, but realistically 2 or 3 is ideal.

oceania 07-17-2009 08:32 AM

after having had 2 i think that is plenty. to think back in college i wanted a ton of kids and to live in an artist commune.

TheLegacy 07-17-2009 11:08 AM

1 Dad
1 Mom
2 Kids (boy / girl)
1 Mistress

Rochard 07-17-2009 12:37 PM

One kid.

My wife and I have one daughter. We both attend all events at the school, cheerleading, etc. So many of our friends have two or three kids, and have to split their time with their kids. I just don't figure out how they do it. Yesterday one of them was complaining that she has to run one kid here, another kid there, and another kid someplace else. By the time she's down dropping everyone off, it's time to start picking them up already.

One kid is plenty enough for me.

student4ever 07-17-2009 01:42 PM

well, having 3 kids, I can't imagine it any other way at this point. Yes, you spend some time running around to different activities, but it's worth it :)

12ClicksMichele 07-17-2009 01:53 PM

I have 2 but would love to have one more. If money wasn't an issue I would have liked to have a bigger family, maybe 4 or 5 kids.

Elli 07-17-2009 02:32 PM

I think the ideal size is 2 kids, but everyone is different. My neighbour has 4 kids and is aiming for 5 (she wanted 6 but her hubby said no way.) Those kind of numbers scare me, but I guess once you have so many, it's just one more... kind of?

Danny 07-17-2009 02:45 PM

We have 3 too many kids!

jacobkell 07-17-2009 06:04 PM

If i will ever have kids then it will be at least 4.

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