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Evil Chris 07-20-2009 02:11 PM

XNations welcomes Puzcash!
XNations would like to welcome PUZCASH


Please help me in welcoming XNations newest sponsor, Puzcash!
They have an impressive lineup of solo babe sites in different sub-niches.

Check them out: http://www.puzcash.com/sites.php

Personally, I like that Paris Rain! :xthumbs:

TheEnforcer 07-20-2009 02:15 PM

I gotta agree with you on that Chris. Paris Rain would be my favorite though they are coming out with a new site soon and I haven't seen her yet.....

puzcash 07-21-2009 07:48 AM

puZcash has arrived!
Hello everyone on the board!
Thank you for starting a welcome thread.

we would like to announce the launch of a new affiliate program - puZcash.com

Puzcash is a friendly new adult sponsor featuring sites with pornstars, solo models
and couples.
New models with their own paysite are added every week and soon on a daily base. puZcash offers free hosted galleries containing pictures, videos and flash clips, pictures of the day, full page banners, embed flash movies with customizable flash player and RSS feeds from galleries and blogs containing your linking codes.
You get 50% of all the revenue you generated and 10% revenue from every webmaster that signs up under your refcode.
If you are able to send 50 signups in one month you get amazing 70%!
But that's not all, puZcash offers you $100 for all sales generated from 09/01/2009 to 09/07/2009 while you will still be getting
full credit for your all your revshare sales. After that regular Paydays will follow.
If you want to promote puZcash exclusively on one or more domains puZcash offers you basically all you need from a domain to hosting and support for free!
All you have to do is to promote puZcash. We even allow you to promote
other sponsors as long puZcash is your main sponsor appearing on 80% of your ads.
puZcash doesn't only support webmaster, on puZmodels.com we also support models, pornstars and couples by offering them a free private domain name, exclusive designs for paysites produced for them, a members area containing (optional) a forum to interact with the users, an own blog with RSS containing with the individual link codes for the webmasters and much more...
The revenue for models is 35% lifetime. Few models already registered and can be seen within the next updates.
The first lucky models will make tons of cash, thats for sure!

That makes puZcash so special, differs from other niche sites sponsors.
We don't want to offer our webmasters any standard niched content! Personality is the "Magic Word" to become successful in these hard business days.
We want to offer a system, which wanna break the recession and with which the webmasters can finally make cash again.
We will adding real models within the next updates and our prognosis to get 200 real models and pornstars with their own paysites within one year.
There are many updates in plan, like webcam community and much more, but its too early to talk about.

You get payed by CCBILL, which we believe is a very transparent solution.

No matter if you are a webmaster or a model, pornstar or couple trying to contact us, puZcash offers you friendly support by email and ICQ.

Just hit me up at: lape[at]puzmedia.com or ICQ: 585627065

Click here to check out puZcash.com

Thank you all!

Here are some of puZcash sites for you to promote:

Hosted Blog:

Customize the player to your own:
ControlPanelColor, buttonColor, buttonovercolor, timeColor, bgcolor, width, height, and more...
Special variables:
showlink=0 (link to website), linkurl=http://website-to-promote.com
Don't want the link option? No problem, just delete the line!
Need to add other images or get the complete player to your website? No problem, just ICQ me or send an email!


Wish you all big bag of cash!

Evil Chris 07-21-2009 02:38 PM

Sites look great! Welcome to XNations and all the best for your new program! :xthumbs:

Cyndalie 07-22-2009 09:18 AM

Great to have you on board! Nice looking sites!

Cyndalie 07-22-2009 09:20 AM

Just a heads up, this report came up http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/xxx...os_ver=

puzcash 07-22-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 159449)
Just a heads up, this report came up http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/xxx...os_ver=

this could be, couse we bought the domain just 3 weeks ago.


Panky 07-23-2009 02:31 PM

Welcum to XNations! http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave.gif

puzcash 07-23-2009 04:31 PM

Thank you all!
Tell me please if i can help in any way to get start in our program.
Anyone needs help or have interesting deals, please just icq me 585627065 or send an email to lape[at]puzmedia.com


puzcash 07-26-2009 07:23 AM

Busty Gianna FHG updates
Here are some new free hosted galleries for busty Gianna added today:

Free Hosted Picture Galleries:

Free Hosted Movie Galleries:

Free Hosted Flash Movie Galleries:

bluemoney 07-26-2009 11:06 AM

I'm fond of "Little Amy" myself.

TheLegacy 07-26-2009 04:53 PM

That's alot of monkey spanking material there - great work and welcome to xnations


MaximX 07-29-2009 10:42 PM

Great looking site, content looks awesome. I'm signing up...

plugin 07-31-2009 12:57 PM

Welcome to the board

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