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painful 07-21-2009 11:36 PM

Hi! It's been a long time... again!
Ok, so I was thinking about it and I figured you all are probably the BEST for me to talk to about this. Being in the adult industry, we can all appreciate a nice set of breasts. Well...

I have agreed to help out my friend Jessica to raise money for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, a program through the American Cancer Society. Every year over 190,000 men and women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. More than 40,000 lives will be claimed to this deadly disease this year alone.

You can help in the pursuit of a cure by donating and volunteering to raise awareness of this disease.

Please click on the link below to donate, each donation is a step toward a cure.

http:<WBR>/<WBR>/<WBR>main.<WBR>acsevents.<WBR>org/<WBR>site/<WBR>TR/<WBR>MakingStridesAg<WBR>ainstBreastCanc<WBR>er/<WBR>MSABCFY10GreatW<WBR>est?<WBR>team_<WBR>id=<WB R>501859&<WBR>pg=<WBR>team&<WBR>fr_id=19863

I know times are a little tight, but even I, with no revenue making website to speak of anymore, donated $100.

Please help, I don't wanna have to do this charity walk and be the only adult site owner to donate! That would be tragic!

This is a tax write off too :boobies:

Cyndalie 07-22-2009 09:16 AM

Kudos for supporting a great cause.

oceania 07-22-2009 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by painful (Post 159440)
Ok, so I was thinking about it and I figured you all are probably the BEST for me to talk to about this. Being in the adult industry, we can all appreciate a nice set of breasts. Well...

I have agreed to help out my friend Jessica to raise money for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, a program through the American Cancer Society. Every year over 190,000 men and women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. More than 40,000 lives will be claimed to this deadly disease this year alone.

You can help in the pursuit of a cure by donating and volunteering to raise awareness of this disease.

Please click on the link below to donate, each donation is a step toward a cure.

http:<WBR>/<WBR>/<WBR>main.<WBR>acsevents.<WBR>org/<WBR>site/<WBR>TR/<WBR>MakingStridesAg<WBR>ainstBreastCanc<WBR>er/<WBR>MSABCFY10GreatW<WBR>est?<WBR>team_<WBR>id=<WB R>501859&<WBR>pg=<WBR>team&<WBR>fr_id=19863

I know times are a little tight, but even I, with no revenue making website to speak of anymore, donated $100.

Please help, I don't wanna have to do this charity walk and be the only adult site owner to donate! That would be tragic!

This is a tax write off too :boobies:

Hi can you PM me and we'll work on a public service announcement that will run on the station

student4ever 07-22-2009 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by oceania (Post 159451)
Hi can you PM me and we'll work on a public service announcement that will run on the station

great concept for a great cause!

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