Free stats software promo continues!
Dear users, OUR PROMO CONTINUES! YOU CAN HAVE THE PAID VERSION OF NIFTY STATS PRO FOR 3 WHOLE MONTHS TOTALLY FREE!Everybody who buys 3 month versions of Chameleon TGP/MGP Submitter, Chameleon Link List Submitter and Chameleon PA Requester at once till 08/31/2009 automatically gets the paid version of Nifty Stats Pro for 3 months, absolutely for free!Nifty Stats is an extremely useful tool for every webmaster, its a tool for checking your affiliate statistics (sales, rebils etc.) in regular intervals and the results will appear right on your desktop!The paid version is absolutely advertisement free, its portable on USB drive and there are many cool features implemented: Verification of the sponsors payout, E-mail notification of every new sale, E-mail notification daily report etc. etc ... Nifty Stats is an amazing tool what we use every day here at Chameleon!So dont hesitate and take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Its enough to click here: and fulfill the requirements of the promo.If you have any questions, dont hesitate to contact us. Best regards,Chameleon Submitter TeamURL: