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BigBrownKablooey 08-21-2009 08:46 PM

Just to start your weekend
Yes, spoofs on Beyonce's "Single Ladies" are soooo last season. We get that. We've seen enough working class stiffs and Jonas brothers attempt to recreate the phenomenon. But for every half-assed impersonation — many of which Beyonce herself featured on the big screen on tour — there are genuine efforts to drum up a whole new take. Which is why we bring you Nic Billington's "Single Heavy Metal Rockers."

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Evil Chris 08-21-2009 09:14 PM

To be honest with you, I've never even heard of the original one!

Panky 08-21-2009 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 160210)
To be honest with you, I've never even heard of the original one!

Now I don't feel so bad for not knowing the song either. lol!

TheLegacy 08-22-2009 10:54 PM

Wow - wonder what made them decide one day, "Hey this would be a great idea!!"

Cute, funny - guess they have a great rep with their group because any other heavy metal people would bitch slap them for doing this LOL

adultebusiness 10-06-2009 02:27 AM

my baby just peed in my pants..
<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">

dyonisus 10-07-2009 04:20 PM

yeah I never heard of the song before I saw this dance on CNN w/ a baby in front of the TV.

Can anyone picture a Motley Crue version of this song?

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