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PORNSTARGLOBAL™ 08-22-2009 03:11 AM

SHOOTERS/PHOTOGRAPHERS: Take some time to post a couple fansigns before this becomes a lost artform. Contact me at ICQ#419720133 anytime! Thanks -

TheLegacy 08-22-2009 10:56 PM

So let me get this right - are you asking for a fansig from everyone?

I think what may have happened is that shooters/photographers realized that it wasn't really helping their bottom line since they spend money doing the fan sig and few actually in the end use the program. Best of luck though

B O B 08-24-2009 01:17 PM

But Robert...
this is the lost artform....

TheLegacy 08-24-2009 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by B O B (Post 160244)
But Robert...
this is the lost artform....

Not disagreeing with you - just giving a possible reason why it is a lost art form

B O B 08-24-2009 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 160247)
Not disagreeing with you - just giving a possible reason why it is a lost art form

sorry, I was being sarcastic

Vid Vicious 08-24-2009 05:51 PM

I better get on this asap .. lost artform

got an samples i can base my lighiting on ?

student4ever 08-25-2009 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by B O B (Post 160249)
sorry, I was being sarcastic

another lost art form... :laughout:

Cyndalie 08-26-2009 09:21 AM

How do you track/log 2257 for fansign collections?

student4ever 08-26-2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 160283)
How do you track/log 2257 for fansign collections?

can always count on you to be thinking Cynd!

I would think it would really have to be a safe image with more tease then anything else

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