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-   -   Cardinal Vices Studio Special: Best Banners price in the Industry! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=25347)

cardinalvices 08-25-2009 08:02 AM

Cardinal Vices Studio Special: Best Banners price in the Industry!
We are offering 100 banner designs for only $599. Best price in the industry!
Check out our banners portfolio: http://www.cardinalvices.com/promo.html

Other great deals:
Gallery template deal:
Order more than 6 galleries and get them all at a low price of $23/gallery!
Here is the galleries portfolio: http://www.cardinalvices.com/galleries.html

Do you need a cartoon character?
http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/gerl01RR.gif http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/Gerl02.gif
Cartoon drawings start from $199.

Check out our massive portfolio:

For a quote please contact our Sales department:
email: sales 'at' cardinalvices.com
ICQ: 435412482
AIM: CardinalVices
Yahoo: cardinalvices
MSN: sales 'at' cardinalvices.com

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