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TheLegacy 08-27-2009 05:31 PM

Discussion: Do Webmaster Boards Bring In The $$$?
Over the years I have seen many who have successfully used webmaster boards to increase not just their exposure but business/sales.

Yet over the past while I have spoken to various people who feel that boards are dead - no more business can be done (or little), they have turned to other sources to reach webmasters.

From the argument that the "big fish" don't waste time cruising boards to webmasters who are just starting out merely skim for advice but that traffic and sales are found elsewhere.

So this brings me to ask this question, "has webmaster boards changed for you in how you do business or are they still as necessary in the growth of your business rather than just getting dirt?"

Evil Chris 08-28-2009 11:29 AM

They don't bring in anywhere near what they used to!

Cyndalie 08-28-2009 02:38 PM

A little mix of both. Boards are good to stay exposed and pick up newbies, but the 'big fish' it can be hard to get their attention in any form - if they are looking for something you provider they'll find you on their own time.

lace 08-31-2009 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 160334)
They don't bring in anywhere near what they used to!

I think this is dead on. It's like submitting galleries, it'll only last so long before you need to find new ways to generate income. :)

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