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-   -   New Hosted & Embeded FLVs added! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=25391)

Irina [SP] 08-31-2009 10:44 AM

New Hosted & Embeded FLVs added!
Greetings from Serious Partners!

We are glad to let you know about our latest promo updates!

1. www.MySpyVids.com - Real amateur clips only! The hero of this site (Eros) have a great collection of 300+ chicks and he shares all of them with members of MySpyVids.com . Always good ratio and % of rebills --> The updated version is coming soon Follow our news!

- Hosted Flash Videos and XML-feeds: http://serious-partners.com/partners...flv.cgi?sid=38
- Embeded Flash Videos: http://www.postyl.com/efv/?id=yourid&site=myspyvids.com

2. www.HomeHiddenCams.com - Real homemade spy videos.. Most of them have no idea the camera is recording and that's why they don't hide their secret desires!

- Hosted Flash Videos and XML-feeds: http://serious-partners.com/partners...flv.cgi?sid=23
- Embeded Flash Videos: http://www.postyl.com/efv/?id=yourid...hiddencams.com

3. www.YaoiMoviearchive.com - Entire collection of yaoi movies.. Surfers also get 3 more sites as bonus: www.HentaiVideoWorld.com , www.HentaiNiches.com , www.3DHentaiVideo.com !

- Hosted Flash Videos and XML-feeds: http://serious-partners.com/partners...flv.cgi?sid=60
- Embeded Flash Videos: http://www.postyl.com/efv/?id=yourid...viearchive.com

To get ALL FLV videos available, follow this link!

Need help? Have any questions/suggestions? Don't hesitate to contact us:
icq: 1364513
email: info at serious-partners dot com
or Irina:
icq: 353734019
email: irina at serious-partners dot com

We're always friendly and willingly to help;)

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