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BigBrownKablooey 08-31-2009 01:34 PM

To Download Or To Use Tube?
We're doing a survey for experienced webmasters on what you think works best for AdultsiteCMS to deliver in your paysite. We would like to discuss with you how presenting content helps in making your business profitable.

1. Is downloading videos an important part of delivery to members or would members simply prefer to watch on a tube site?

2. Do you think there will be an impending shift soon?

3. In this age of instant gratification, does viewing the content more important than keeping it? Is it really important nowadays that customers get to keep your content on their hard drives? Is this trend getting old?

4. If there are still more customers who prefer to download, which video format (e.g. AVI, WMV, DIVX, Real, MOV, MPG, MP4, etc.) do you use? And which do you think works best for you and are therefore, more important?

5. If your customers significantly prefer streaming, would it be efficient to use the ubiquitous Flash? Are there better software to use than Flash.

TheLegacy 08-31-2009 04:00 PM

Really hard questions to answer only because you have two fighting forces - those that have and those that want. Kind of like opening up a restaurant near a food bank.

There is a shift but it has to come from those that have. Offerings such as 3D fail because surfers simply aren't going to buy glasses to watch one porno and demographically, you also have to look at those with monitors that make it worthwhile. Recent technology is an actual feel you feel me approach but mainstream home based computers need to catch up processing and creative software/hardware before porn can take advantage of it and go to the next level.

As far as what members like - generally mpg is preferred but flash is mostly preferred by webmasters/hosting because of the size and bandwidth it uses. Are there others? Yes but they are not widespread amongst the common homeowners computer.

Danny 08-31-2009 11:28 PM

We just do both...offer the embedded flash version and also links to various formats for download. We have quite a few iPhone users tht love dl'ing the M4V formatted files.

Evil Chris 09-01-2009 10:05 AM

I'd say the downloading of content wins out here. External hard drives are getting bigger and cheaper to buy and people don't mind the big files.

What's becoming more important that goes along with this is the ease of download. The speed. Big, HD files are in demand but you have to be able to deliver them quickly. You mentioned instant gratification? ;)

BigBrownKablooey 09-02-2009 12:34 PM

Please keep on sending your comments. We would like to take these ideas under consideration when we start on the next version of the CMS.

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