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Nifty Stats 09-10-2009 04:45 PM

Nifty Stats welcomes CamSiteCash!
Dear users,We are very happy that we are able to welcome:CamSiteCash - http://www.camsitecash.com/CamSiteCash introduces its WhiteLabel Engine!CamSiteCash just put its WhiteLabel engine online!-Start your branded cam site in minutes!-Send your traffic directly to your domain(s)-25% LifeTime Revenue Share, +5% from others' sales-A bunch of SEO compliant CSS driven templates to choose fromInterested? http://www.camsitecash.com/Thanks to our partners, we are able to distribute Nifty Stats completely free for you! In return, we will be happy if you show us your support and register with our partner CamSiteCash - http://www.camsitecash.com/ Furthermore, if you happen to know someone who would also like to promote this way, we will be thankful if you let us know. You can also help us by informing your current affiliate program representatives about the promo possibilities Nifty Stats introduces http://www.niftystats.com/need-more-affiliates.htmlOnce again, thank you for the cooperation and wish you many successful days with Nifty Stats!Regards,Your Nifty Stats Teamhttp://www.niftystats.com/

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