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-   -   SoloConverts Traffic Buy Week. $50K! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=25492)

B O B 09-16-2009 12:28 PM

SoloConverts Traffic Buy Week. $50K!
We are looking to make someone’s day today. We have $50K to buy your traffic NOW. I am going shopping and my budget today is $50,000.

And it doesn’t necessarily have to be a traditional traffic buy. Do you have any sort of custom deals you are looking for your traffic? Hit me up, and lets spend da money!

I will do custom deals for the following:
- Free Trials, $1 Trials, and Full Joins
- Merchant Cross sales
- Declined Redirect Page Traffic
- Cancel Confirmation Page Traffic
- Ex-Member & Mailing List Traffic (can-spam compliant)
- Exit, Popup & Popunder Traffic
- Members Area Traffic
- 404, 401 & other Error Page Traffic
- and any other traffic source you might have!

Our program is rocking. Traffic is converting. Lets all make money.

You want a high PPS or Revshare? Hit me up.
You think your solo/teen traffic is worth more than what you are finding? Hit me up!
You have a surplus of custom traffic? We will buy it!

Take a couple minutes and email me, ICQ me, or call me…lets get this deal done today and you can start making the cash tonight!

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