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Vid Vicious 09-19-2002 01:39 PM

I am Canadian
1 Attachment(s)
HAve a great weekend all .. I know I will ....

if you're Canadian Show me your beaver .... LOL

luke 09-19-2002 06:50 PM

I'm not canadian but here ya go!

<img src="http://www.bellmuseum.org/images/beaver.jpg">


Funbrunette 09-19-2002 07:33 PM

Here's my beaver!
Here's my beaver!

<img src="http://www.beaversww.org/bev6.gif"> :D

luke 09-19-2002 07:37 PM

FB, your beaver is fatter than mine!


emmanuelle 09-19-2002 08:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm Canadian too!

Horg 09-19-2002 09:15 PM

And me I am Québécois calice !

Funbrunette 09-19-2002 09:18 PM


Originally posted by Horg
And me I am Québécois calice !

Veux-tu une grosse crisse de poutine? :D

Horg 09-19-2002 09:57 PM

Asti oui ça srait bon en mosus !

Funbrunette 09-19-2002 09:58 PM


Originally posted by Horg
Asti oui ça srait bon en mosus !
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! De ou tu viens mon grand?

erika 09-19-2002 11:33 PM

Heres my beaver
<img src="http://www.edmontondreams.com/ban/LOGO4.jpg">

Horg 09-19-2002 11:34 PM

D'un peu partout en fait, j'vécu à Montréal une dizaine d'années, à Québec une dizaine d'années et 3 ans à Sherbrooke. Présentement je suis à Montréal, près du métro Préfontaine.

Horg 09-20-2002 02:14 AM

Oops, j'ai fait une erreure, j'vécu = j'ai vécu !


Originally posted by Horg
...j'vécu à Montréal ...

Funbrunette 09-20-2002 09:56 AM


Originally posted by luke
FB, your beaver is fatter than mine!



Funbrunette 09-20-2002 09:58 AM


Originally posted by Horg
Oops, j'ai fait une erreure, j'vécu = j'ai vécu !

Moi aussi j'ai habite a Quebec pendant quelques annees....Et maintenant je suis aussi a Montreal, sur l'Ouest de L'Ile! :D

luke 09-20-2002 11:06 AM

Ok, I have no idea what any of y'all just said. Chris, is there translation software that comes with this board?

Are y'all taking crap on me in another language??? I hate that! haha

Horg 09-20-2002 11:08 AM

Sur l'ouest de l'île, ouin on rit pus ! ;P

Yeah Luke we are saying how english speaking people are dumb and how their genitals stink and stick. But shhh don't tell anyone or else funbrunette will be in trouble and we don't want that right ?

luke 09-20-2002 11:42 AM

Damn Canadians!

Funbrunette 09-20-2002 11:45 AM


Originally posted by Horg
Sur l'ouest de l'île, ouin on rit pus ! ;P

Yeah Luke we are saying how english speaking people are dumb and how their genitals stink and stick. But shhh don't tell anyone or else funbrunette will be in trouble and we don't want that right ?

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cackle:

emmanuelle 09-20-2002 11:47 AM

Hmmm- Aren't Louisianians simply transplanted Canadians?
(I think I slept through that part of Canadian History Class)

luke 09-20-2002 11:49 AM

I think I slept through most of my classes so I have no idea! haha

erika 09-21-2002 12:25 AM


Originally posted by erika
Heres my beaver
<img src="http://www.edmontondreams.com/ban/LOGO4.jpg">

and heres the damn dam that goes with the beaver
<img src="http://www.edmontondreams.com/dam1.jpg">

Brad Mitchell 09-21-2002 12:27 AM

Canadians are great! I think everyone should have one.



barryf 09-21-2002 04:43 AM

When I saw the subject of this thread I thought you were selling beer.


PM5K 09-21-2002 08:55 PM


Originally posted by SinEmpire
Canadians are great! I think everyone should have one.



HEY! I have my very own Canadian now! :)

Evil Chris 09-21-2002 09:12 PM

Luke, you must know some Cajun!! ;)
It's almost the same thing as Quebequois! (You didn't actually think that was French did you??) LOL

Cathedra 09-23-2002 02:04 PM

Aye crimme.. oubliez pas moi la.. j'suis a Montreal..eum ben pres de Montreal aussi! Depuis deux semaines la je suis une Lavaloise:)

Horg 09-23-2002 06:16 PM

Hey Cathedra bienvenue sur le forum :)
Alors tu as déménagé à Laval, est-ce que t'as une casquette par en arrière pis une Civic ? ;P

Darin 09-23-2002 06:54 PM

Sucerez-vous svp mon robinet?

Tkt2Pardse 09-23-2002 07:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
here be a beautiful beaver!!

Aly 09-23-2002 09:29 PM


Originally posted by SinEmpire
Canadians are great! I think everyone should have one.



Take me! Take me!


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