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Cyndalie 10-01-2009 10:46 AM

The GFY fallout
Do you guys think that GFY still matters at all in the current industry?

This fallout of late, and how they were saying the took the advertisers money 'for the industry's own good...to open dialogue on the topic' is pretty insultingly retarded.

I've never been a big frequenter of the board, but I have seen a migration from GFY to other boards since this whole fiasco.

Evil Chris 10-01-2009 11:21 AM

A few copy-cat boards popped up in the past few days.
I think they might just be wasting their time, though.

GFY will survive.

TheLegacy 10-01-2009 11:43 AM

Honestly I would be surprised if they did take any money. Most who advertise by skinning on GFY usually do it for one a week, if any longer then GFY does have right to pull add if it's illegal - but never has the right to pull it because people just don't like it.

I feel there is something behind the scene - tube sites got their advertising dollars out of it because now everyone is speaking of them, and GFY get's cudo's for possibly faking a turn down - win, win.

So what is going to happen? Tube sites still hated, GFY get's it's posters back and shortly another drama will happen when everyone will forget until someone else pulls the same thing. Keep in mind that if rumors are true, GFY may be trying to sell and needed the fast money and hits to "prove" that they can increase traffic and advertising to some company who doesn't fully understand the process.

Kenny B 10-01-2009 03:42 PM

This will all blow over and will be forgotten in a few days. What get's me is Eric claims they will use the skin money for good, will they do that with Bazzers ad dollars each month since Bazzers owns that tube sites in question?

People don't really care they just like to complain, that will never change

flip.green 10-01-2009 11:58 PM

I guess it depends on what you mean by "matters"
Lots of people see GFY as the Jerry Springer of msg boards - Thats a unique position

Im hard pressed to name anyone who actually uses it for a place to get a serious answer to a question. But who knows if that really matters to advertisers or not.

fatfoo 10-02-2009 10:37 AM

I think it matters a lot. It is the industry's largest board, after all. The advertisers get the most views from there.

Panky 10-02-2009 05:26 PM

GFY isn't going anywhere until the powers that be deactivate the board. Sure, GFY refugees started showing up in large numbers at other boards, but many people will still read GFY even if they vowed to never post there again. What people say and what people do, are often two very different things.

Some opportunists took the ball and ran with it. Whether their ideas have staying power or not, is yet to be seen.

Love or hate the place, it's still a board that people will use to grab someones attention, spam, make announcements, get sigs scene, find info on companies and individuals, and throw their 2 cents in on controversial topics simply because it works.

Old habits die hard.

Danny 10-03-2009 12:43 PM

I gave up on GFY years ago when the surfers took over. The good thing about GFY is it did show you who to stay away from when it comes to doing real business ;)

TheLegacy 10-03-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by fatfoo (Post 160956)
I think it matters a lot. It is the industry's largest board, after all. The advertisers get the most views from there.

Been thinking alot of that comment - the idea that a great deal of surfers and non-industry people use that board doesn't necessarily mean we all do.

A great many who are in the industry refuse to use that board preferring instead others since it is more predominately industry related

dyonisus 10-07-2009 04:28 PM

i barely peek in at GFY...

Cyndalie 10-08-2009 03:20 PM

I really can't stand the board. I only go there when friends icq me to support threads and stuff.

Magnus3x 10-14-2009 02:55 PM

Money talks, end of story! If they really did leave that board because of that skin, I think they were 1/2 ready to leave anyway. They'll be back, they always go back, everyone hugs it out till the sky falls again.

Evil Chris 10-15-2009 11:49 AM

True.... and what's more, I've already forgotten about the "new" boards that started in all the fallout.

Rochard 10-15-2009 11:06 PM

GFY has gone to shit. It has less to do about the recent drama there, and more to do with all of the fake nicks starting fake drama.

Then again, society as a whole thrives on drama. Most people will always flock to drama. Me, I can do without that.

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