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dyonisus 10-08-2009 05:02 PM

What Makes a Great Blog?
I have in the last several months had the opportunity to develop a number of blogs for clients, some adult and some mainstream for the actions sports industry.

Before I began the process of actually designing or modifying the templates for various Wordpress designs, I did a little research into the many different blogs out there. I soon discovered that many of them are just not that exciting.

What do you feel makes a "great" blog for the adult industry to consumers? Show a couple of examples.

What makes a blog not work?

flip.green 10-09-2009 12:31 AM

I could use some help here too
Im limited in my whole blog strategy, I thought all it took to make a great blog was daily updates and fairly unique content. Pretty much not exciting just like you described. As far as a template im leaning towards whatever serves up the most ads.

I wonder what the gray area in between spam and nice design looks like, i have no clue.

TheLegacy 10-09-2009 11:10 AM


is a good example.

Generally I find less clutter, comical writing and stories that you rarely will find anywhere else, crisp hip design work and girls like metart or extremely high on the looks scale. Other types can be of favorite pornstars, interviews or anything with a twist on surfers interest - but as said - keep it clean, neat and up-to-date not just in design but articles/pictures of interest

dyonisus 10-09-2009 11:41 AM

Rochard does have some good blogs, design and content.

Rochard 10-10-2009 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 161111)


I think what makes a blog stand out is original, handwritten content, with an occasional sense of humor.

All of my blogs are handwritten. I can't stand feeds.

dyonisus 10-13-2009 05:12 PM

I definitely agree, handwriting the content is a plus. I prefer to read a perosn point of view over the canned descriptions that sound like every other site description

Evil Chris 10-13-2009 10:54 PM

I also like Rochard's blogs. He does a good job on them.

As for writing, I'm always at a loss for words.
I've started up a new blog http://boobs.blimpboobs.com/

Any suggestions are welcome as I am a Wordpress newb.

Cyndalie 10-14-2009 08:48 AM

Personality, unique posts, daily or tri weekly posts that are readable during lunch or during some down time. I like becomingjennie.com lately.

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