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-   -   AdultTalentAgency.com website + traffic + top rankings = $$$$ (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=25625)

buzzz 10-10-2009 02:01 PM

AdultTalentAgency.com website + traffic + top rankings = $$$$
for sale is http://www.adulttalentagency.com
we put together a quick "minisite" on this domain a few weeks ago, september 23 to be exact... website has already been picked up by google earlier this week and is seeing some signs of life, ranking at the top for adult talent agency, adult talent agencies, etc.

we have no interest in operating an adult talent agency or this website.. so, for sale is the domain + all content priced for a quick sale at only $999. sale is valid for the next 48 hours.


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