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TMM_Vlad 10-15-2009 06:28 PM

Too Much Media in the house!
See some familiar names on this board, what's happening everyone?!

For those that don't know me I am Vlad Z. the account manager/sales/marketing guy for Too Much Media.

If you have any questions about any of our software products or would like to see a demo, please feel free to give me a shout at anytime.

Thanks and look forward to speaking with you all soon! http://www.askdamagex.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

-Vlad Z.

Evil Chris 10-16-2009 09:58 AM

Well hey Vlad, welcome to XNations.

Rochard 10-16-2009 11:46 AM

Hey Vlad.... You and I are going to be good friends shortly. Hit me up on ICQ when you have time.

TheLegacy 10-16-2009 12:55 PM

What is this NATS you speak of? LOL
Welcome to the board my friend and looking forward to hearing more from you guys

Jimmidean 10-18-2009 08:47 AM

Who are you and what is this NATS you speak of ?:laughout:

Vid Vicious 10-18-2009 09:22 PM

what up biatch! .. how ya been Vlad !

TMM_Vlad 10-22-2009 10:17 AM

ohhh NATS? It's just some tiny script we threw together ;)

2MuchMark 10-26-2009 05:56 PM

Hi Vlad!

I have a question for you that I think others may use the answer to. We have a client who wants to use NATS with our LiveCamNetwork system. We can integrate it, but the hosting environment you require is different from what we already have setup.

Can you recommend a good hosting provider that we can send clients to, and then setup NATS as a sub-domain for that client? For example:

IP Address VidViciousNude.com ---->
IP address: NATS.VidViciousNude.com ---> (process) ---> (back to)
IP Address VidViciousNude.com ?

And, could we setup multiple licenses or sub domains on the same server with the same account? Or do we need to rent/buy different licenses for each domain?


ps: (VidViceousNude.com: Ewwwww)

Stephane76 10-28-2009 10:29 AM

Good to see you here Vlad! Welcome!

TMM_Vlad 10-29-2009 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 161438)
Hi Vlad!

I have a question for you that I think others may use the answer to. We have a client who wants to use NATS with our LiveCamNetwork system. We can integrate it, but the hosting environment you require is different from what we already have setup.

Can you recommend a good hosting provider that we can send clients to, and then setup NATS as a sub-domain for that client? For example:

IP Address VidViciousNude.com ---->
IP address: NATS.VidViciousNude.com ---> (process) ---> (back to)
IP Address VidViciousNude.com ?

And, could we setup multiple licenses or sub domains on the same server with the same account? Or do we need to rent/buy different licenses for each domain?


ps: (VidViceousNude.com: Ewwwww)

Mark--just added you on ICQ.

To answer your question:

You can run an unlimited number of domains on one license of NATS. NATS is licensed per server.

You would want to have a sub domain setup for each of your sites like

So that when a surfer goes from VidViciousNude.com to the join form, they would see the same domain as join.VidViciousNude.com

Your sites do not need to be on the same server as NATS. So you can have:
IP Address VidViciousNude.com
IP address: join.VidViciousNude.com

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to set-up a call regarding this. I can also point you in the right direction of some hosting companies familiar with our set-up.

2MuchMark 10-30-2009 01:22 AM

Cool Vlad, thanks for the info! This makes it much easier.


Jimmidean 10-31-2009 09:18 AM

Your tube script is awesome.......
I mean evil!!!

plugin 10-31-2009 10:43 AM

Hey hey Vlad..Welcome to the board

daizzzy 11-01-2009 03:27 PM

hey Vlad
just wanted to ask what does exactly '2nd tier' mean in /internal.php?page=stats&view=referral in nats4?

MediaGuy 11-09-2009 12:02 PM

Just saying Hi!


Funbrunette 11-09-2009 12:50 PM

Hello and welcome to Xnations! :)

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