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born2blog 10-23-2009 11:07 PM

Newly Redeveloped Blazinghotporn.com Seeking Link Trades
I'm happy to announce that Blazing Hot Porn has been redeveloped and converted from a simple/basic hub site to a quality model index site with other additions as well.

Additions include

- All new model index (growing more each day)
- MOTD section
- VOD section
- Fansign section

...the fansign section is still in development, but I've been in contact with program owners as well as models directly and currently I'm just waiting for fansigns to be delivered.

Future additions include

- Rating system
- Model Of The Month
- possibly a forum as well

I'm currently seeking quality A>B or A>B>C (preferably) link trades with similar type model sites. I can link to your model page directly or a gallery on your site from one of my model sections. Keep in mind, this is for deeplinking, SEO purposes and specific model trades, not main index links from blazinghotporn.com - however I will be adding a toplist on the main page at some point down the road.

If you don't see a particular model on my site, since the directory is fairly new, just let me know and I'll do my best to add that model.

Of course, any suggestions or constructive criticism is always welcome, afterall as fellow webmasters that's what we do is help one another.

If you have any link trades in mind, feel free to PM me or you can also reach me by email at:

born2blog at gmail dot com

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