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-   -   STUDENTSEXPARTIES.COM - 100% REVSHARE & NO TIME FRAMES!! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=25707)

Irina [SP] 10-26-2009 08:37 AM

UNLIMITED 100% REVSHARE for Student Sex Parties!!!*
* the closing date hasn’t been fixed yet!


Summing up the results of the last '100% REVSHARE' offer, we’ve come to a conclusion that our webmasters' earnings have increased in 3 times!!
So, now we are having a new offer and this time THERE ARE NO TIME FRAME!!!
But we are sure that it will last at least 1 month!!
So, you have plenty of time to make more money with our Parties!!!

Promo section
At the moment the following promo tools are available:
- 81 photo FHGs;
- 201 video FHGs;
* Click here for all FHGs
- Banners;
- Hosted;
- Embeded;
- XML-feeds;
- Descriptions;
- Review;
- RSS feeds;

We wish you best of luck and nice sales!

Our contacts:
email: info at serious-partners dot com
icq: 13_645 13
email: irina at serious-partners dot com
icq: 353734 019

Irina [SP] 12-25-2009 08:37 AM

Hello everyone!
Serious Partners wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let's hope that all sorrows and troubles which afflicted us in the past will stay there forever!
Also would like to say that 100% Revshare for StudentSexParties.com is still active!!
we're adding more crazy parties and promo tools: flvs, fhgs, banners.. custom promo is always available.
Don't miss the chance to earn more money! ;)

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