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LAJ 10-29-2009 05:31 PM

Industry Ruling is "mixed blessing"
Please check out Kathee Brewer's excellent coverage of the recent obscenity ruling:

SAN FRANCISCO – An appellate court’s Wednesday ruling that will send two convicted spammers to jail also may have set an important precedent in obscenity law. By opining “local community standards” are meaningless where electronic communication is concerned, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has set the stage for defining a national standard of decency for application to the internet.



Rochard 10-29-2009 11:37 PM

This is long over due.

Changes need to be made to a lot of things. It has little to do with adult. For example, if I live in California and I purchase something online from a company that is host in New Jersey but has a warehouse it ships from in Florida, where do I pay taxes?

Evil Chris 10-30-2009 09:15 AM

You should pay taxes based on where you live. Your residence.
That's how it works up here anyhow.

JoeD 11-02-2009 02:11 PM

Europeans Billing Europe!
In the US it's a little more complicated - generally it's based on where the company is domiciled - so for instance Dell is in Texas, so if you were in Texas you would pay taxes on a purchase and generally if you are outside Texas and they ship to you it would not carry sales tax - unfortunately, Dell has a distribution center in Florida too, so if I order here in Florida I do pay sales tax...

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