X Nations

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KingsOfNiche 11-03-2009 05:09 PM

Now Paying 80% Revshare Til Mid-November!
We're excited about our recent launch and our SIX fresh hot paysites so we've decided to pay webmasters 80% revshare for the next two weeks!

All paysite signups sent to Kings Of Niche sites between
November 1st and 15th will receive 80% Revshare!

We have hosted banners, ads, FHG's, POTD, Content Zips and we're happy to arrange custom tools where needed.

Get in touch if you have any questions, or visit our site to learn more about our program!

ICQ #233-854-608
AIM kingsofniche
YAHOO kingsofniche
EMail - webmaster@kingsofniche.com

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