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-   -   SoloConverts Ramp It Up Forever $50PPS Weekend! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=25754)

B O B 11-06-2009 01:53 PM

SoloConverts Ramp It Up Forever $50PPS Weekend!
What the heck? Its Friday and looks to be a great weekend. So lets ramp up some PPS and get your weekend profitable!

Hit me up anytime today, or this weekend, and I will ramp your PPS to $50 on any type of join. The PPS will not only be good for this weekend, but also for the rest of eternity! But this deal is only good if you contact me before Monday.

Hit me up and lets talk it out…I may go even higher!

Ramp it up forever starts NOW1

One join, or One Hundred joins….$50PPS!

Our content/Paysites
All of our content is 100% exclusive. Our tours are niche themed and built from the ground up to sell.

Get on board now with $50PPS on some kick ass sites, here are some examples…

TinyMiley.com (100% Exclusive)

SarahKimble.com (100% Exclusive)

YoungJess.com (100% Exclusive)

NaughtyDaisy.com (100% Exclusive)

SoloAccess.com (Network Pass Site)

I will do custom deals for the following:
- Free Trials, $1 Trials, and Full Joins
- Merchant Cross sales
- Declined Redirect Page Traffic
- Cancel Confirmation Page Traffic
- Ex-Member & Mailing List Traffic (can-spam compliant)
- Exit, Popup & Popunder Traffic
- Members Area Traffic
- 404, 401 & other Error Page Traffic
- and any other traffic source you might have!

There are some wasted traffic streams in almost all programs, hit me up and let me monetize them for you.

Contact me today, and I could be making you more money by tonight!

ICQ 184-807

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