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Sharpie 03-27-2003 07:03 PM

Is the war affecting your decisions?........
Is the war affecting your decision making about shows and gatherings?

Darin 03-27-2003 08:07 PM

Hell no, any chance I get to spit at an iraqi I take it!

Cathedra 03-27-2003 08:08 PM

Hmmm well considering that the next show I attend is in my home town.. I'll have jokingly say DUH NO!

But seriously unless the news would suddenly get very bad right before I got on the plane, nope I think I would just grit my teeth and go with the flow. I don't like flying already so I'd definately have to get stupidly drunk if I'd like the plane anytime soon. :bonk:

XxXotic 03-27-2003 08:09 PM

no the war isn't however other umm "issues" with 3rd party processors are affecting it

I'm not overly concerned with problems stemming from the war happening here.

Darin 03-27-2003 08:09 PM

Okay, in all seriousness. NO. But international flights are down 60% since the war started. Thats gotta say something.

.. and in case there are any iraqis reading this, dont take it personally. It was a joke. I spit on any french people I can find as well!


Ounique 03-27-2003 08:13 PM

It's hard to say. We usually only do Internext when it's in Vegas because it's close. We do a lot of work but there's only a few of us in the office. So, to close up for a show means that one person has to pretty much do everything. So we don't get around as much. But on a personal note, I'm forcing myself to travel for my personal business. If they change the way we act then they control us. I said that after 9/11 and I'm saying it now. I will not sit in my home and be afraid! If I had that frame of mind I would have never left Pittsburgh. I'm not afraid of earthquakes, I'm not afraid terrorists and I'm not gonna be afraid to keep living my life.

Okay, I'll step down from my soapbox now. :)

WEG_G 03-27-2003 08:15 PM

I'm actually looking forward to the Phoenix Forum. The walls seem to be closing in on me here. :badcomp:

gregtx 03-27-2003 08:16 PM


I would not stop in Europe at this time...

as for State side shows.. not a problem...

many people are too young to remember when it wasn't safe to travel in some parts of Europe with a US passport... ie "cold war"...

hopefully all will work out and we can all travel abroad again with little fear...

Jay[neX] 03-27-2003 08:19 PM

As long as the war is happening overseas, it wouldn't affect my decision.

Although I might think twice before going to a trade show in the middle east...

llaurell 03-27-2003 08:26 PM

I feel that the risks are just about the same as it was 3 months ago. So I hope to see everyone in Phoenix and Amsterdam =)

gregtx 03-27-2003 08:32 PM

if you watch CNN they've had to alter flight patterns out of Paris b/c of reports of possible terrorists planning to shoot down commercial flights..

WEG_G 03-27-2003 08:34 PM


Originally posted by Jay[neX]
Although I might think twice before going to a trade show in the middle east...
An adult show in a predominantly muslim region, sounds like a fear factor episode to me. :bonk:

Phoenix 03-27-2003 08:35 PM

Not at all...i feel safe

sweetums 03-27-2003 08:37 PM

I have to admit that a couple of weeks ago, I was pretty apprehensive about the prospect of travelling to Phoenix in April....but, I was still bound to go as long as the borders were open. If we stop living our lives and doing work, then all that we end up with is paralysis -- economic and personal.

I'm feeling a bit better now....have had friends travel without issue. Don't think there's too much of a threat while things are on high alert....terrorists tend to hit when you're least suspecting it.

StuartD 03-27-2003 08:40 PM

Honestly... if it wasn't for all the talk on the boards, I wouldn't even know there was a war.

I have no television and don't listen to the radio and can't read (newspapers especially).

So no.. it wouldn't affect much of anything I do, and it doesn't.

How much $$ I have in my bank account... now that's another story :(

PornDaddy 03-27-2003 08:43 PM

I have not been on a plane since 9/11
I plan on going to a couple of shows this year,
but I would not go to the Amsterdam show at this time.

Dwreck 03-27-2003 08:44 PM

I dont know how people are going to reacte to this however I dont mean to offend.

I dont watch the news in reagrds to the war. Plain and simple. I know the basics and I wish the troops well.

I lost to my granpa to the war and to me Igornace is bliss.

I tried to figure it out but I get so confused so fast. Like really who am I to the big picture of things?

Socks Manly 03-27-2003 08:46 PM

ASS will be attending the show in Amsterdam.. If shit goes down, so be it!

baddog 03-27-2003 08:50 PM

well, I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but EC asked me to respond, so blame him.

IF I was planning on attending any event in Canada, I would not, any more than I would go to France. As it is, I was not planning on going to Canada anyway, so no big loss I am sure

shok 03-27-2003 08:50 PM

I think I have flown 50 times since 9/11 and it does'nt bother me one bit.
Traveling state side does'nt worry me.
Although I don't think I would want to travel overseas at this time.

Although I hear the stars at night are big and bright in Iraq.
mmmm maybe some dolphin fishing in the Persian Gulf

luke 03-27-2003 08:58 PM

I don't travel that much except if you call driving down to the french quarter to get drunk traveling but I wouldn't be worried about flying anywhere right now. I say if something is going to happen, its going to happen and I'm not going to let what's going on in the world around me to stop me from doing what I want.

Just my 2 cents!

Feynman 03-27-2003 09:10 PM

It's not the war that changes my plans.

twinkley 03-27-2003 09:14 PM


Not in the least.

Well, okay, thats not true. I refuse to fly any airline with the name america/american/US etc.

Seems like if something happens (again) those are prime targets just cause of the name.

Is it gonna stop me from flying? Nope - flying out to Phoenix on Wed :)


FroeyTwe 03-27-2003 09:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
No war is not effecting my decision to attend shows, but that are only here in the US or Canada, I don’t want to go over seas right now, you never know whats going to happen next, the war is getting pretty big and crazy!

sonomasnap 03-27-2003 09:21 PM

Unless I was going to a show and there had been a devastating attack like 9-11 the day before I would not even consider changing my plans. It is ridulous to live your life in fear. Obviously everyone needs to be more aware and use some common sense but the thought of letting terrorists to beat us down with fear and intimidation is simply unacceptable.

Horg 03-27-2003 09:22 PM

Although the situation is certainly not reassuring, if I had the chance to attend another Show I probably would go ! But as Twinkley said, not using an airline with US on it, using HooterAir would be more fun I think.

GoodChris 03-27-2003 09:23 PM

This war as BS as it is can't allow us to let it affect our lives.

We are responsible for producing porn and god damn it, we must go on!

GrimShawn 03-27-2003 09:23 PM

Ah so many ways to go with this one… Until someone does a show in say Baghdad then I it’s not even an issue. Flying is the least of my worries. I doubt stealing another plane will happen.

Plus, with everyone all stressed out it’s our god given duty to give them something to um “relieve” there tension with! So since we’ve all been working hard on putting up good quality porn on the net, let’s all hit the shows, get some work done, meet up with our friends meet at the bar, and raise our glasses for our fallen soldiers. Then get completely wasted!

That’s just my opinion!

RedShoe 03-27-2003 09:23 PM

I usually only go to the Vegas show, and the AWE show when it's here in LA. Believe it or not, I'm kind of an anti-social. But by choice I think.

I wonder if I'm borderline agoraphobic. Perhaps.

Maybe I'm that way becuase it takes me a lot of courage to get out to shows, but once I'm there I have a blast. It's all the anxiety before going that gets to me.

I've never been afraid to fly. If the plane crashes while I'm on it well, than so be it. I'm not going to stop flying just because a few assholes crashed a few planes. Including those crashes it's still the safest form of transportation. I don't think I'll be going to any 3rd world countries in the near future, so no worries there.

The furthest I've been is Toronto (from Cali) so I'm not really a world traveler anyway. It's beena while since I've been to Maui, but Mrs. RedShoe and I used to go quite often.

Oh also, I don't think I'll be at the Phoenix forum, simply for the "I don't know anyone there" factor.

Pidgin 03-27-2003 09:26 PM


I will not leave my family in Israel at this time.

I believe you meant terrorism in the more general meaning as a result of the war... No, that prat has no effect on my descisions of gathering and attending shows.
I have lived long enough (all my life more or less) in the shadow of war, terror and hatered from the Arab world, specifically the ones in the ME. I do not go out in public (parties, cafe etc..) if its not a secured compumnd in case there is a security alert warning announced by the Israeli security forces, but going abroad and attending conventions is not something I will cancel due to the "general" threat of terror. Life sucks - we can diga hole and crawl in BUT we will let life pass by that way. I say live till you die.
as a matter of fact. I feel better travelling (and potentially dying ;) ) at these times. At least "we" are fighting back now :cool:

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