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Rochard 12-04-2009 05:09 PM

Canadian Bacon?
Anyone else seen this movie? Someone sent me a Youtube video, knowing that I like bacon and Canadians. It's comedy about John Candy invading Canada (long overdue really). I ordered the movie on Amazon.com yesterday. Can't wait to see it!

rhetorical 12-04-2009 05:28 PM

I shot a video press kit for that film when they were shooting it in Toronto. Its pretty funny.

Evil Chris 12-06-2009 12:28 AM

Have you never seen it? It's pretty goofy stuff.

Vid Vicious 12-07-2009 11:45 AM

it sucks ... I find the comedy in it, is pretty lame. My first clue should of been the writer/director for this film .... Michael Moore

rhetorical 12-07-2009 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 162292)
it sucks ... I find the comedy in it, is pretty lame. My first clue should of been the writer/director for this film .... Michael Moore

You don't like Michael Moore? Why not?

J-SiN 12-07-2009 02:33 PM

Isn't it John Candy's last movie?

plugin 12-08-2009 06:29 AM

years ago when I saw it.

GoodChris 12-08-2009 06:48 AM

Its a funny flick... low budget, but the plot is amusing.

Evil Chris 12-08-2009 09:21 AM

The thing with this movie (Canadian Bacon), is that it's made around how Americans find Canada funny, not how Canadians find Canada funny.


Vid Vicious 12-08-2009 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 162294)
You don't like Michael Moore? Why not?

I used to like him .. but as of late I can't stand his one sided views ... and to top it all off the fucker is using low end equipement to make his movies .. Low payout to his crews while he collects big moneys .. his last two flicks where shot on a PD170 .. Tell ya the truth .. I've never been a big fan . he's one of those directors that makes me scratch my head in amazment .. how the fuck did he get to where he is .. and why the fuck is he still around

Canadian Bacon being one of those films.. How the hell did he get financing for a dumb ass script like that.. Low production values ... cheap low down dirty jokes ... the list goes on and on

J-SiN 12-08-2009 03:57 PM

I miss John Candy. I prefer him to Chevy Chase. Chase is nothing more than an asshole nowadays.

rhetorical 12-08-2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 162330)
I used to like him .. but as of late I can't stand his one sided views ... and to top it all off the fucker is using low end equipement to make his movies .. Low payout to his crews while he collects big moneys .. his last two flicks where shot on a PD170 .. Tell ya the truth .. I've never been a big fan . he's one of those directors that makes me scratch my head in amazment .. how the fuck did he get to where he is .. and why the fuck is he still around

Canadian Bacon being one of those films.. How the hell did he get financing for a dumb ass script like that.. Low production values ... cheap low down dirty jokes ... the list goes on and on

Well, we all shoot with low end cameras on pitiful budgets. Having a point of view is not a bad thing. He never claimed to make documentaries.
Ya wanna see a great use of low end cameras check out a show called "No Reservations" with Anthony Boudrain on Discovery.
Personally I like working with light, low end cameras. I started with TK 76's through just about every Ikegami Handy Lookie, then any number of Betacams.
I shoot with some kinda Sony HDV now that has a chip and tape...can never remember the model number...but it works just fine and is a pleasure to shoot with.
So, I don't really fault Mikey for that.
As far as the rate goes....the rate is what you can get. The average guy with an HD camera goes out for about 1800 a day in Toronto. So you take out the big money camera and I am sure that drops. The day rate is probably still pretty good, but you just can't earn large on the hardware with these 6K cameras. Used to be, you could pay off your Betacam in six months. Those days are gone. So what did you hear Mr. Moore was paying?

dyonisus 12-09-2009 12:51 PM

Funny John Candy a Canadian invading Canada...

The title "Canadian Bacon" I also find amusing. Is Canadian Bacon not ham, and don't we usually put peameal on the side and call it back bacon or the obvious peameal bacon. I cant fing that shite anywhere here in California.

Michael Moore grew up so close to the Canadian border I think he secretly wants the honour of being Canadian.

John Candy was hiliarious.

rhetorical 12-09-2009 02:20 PM

Never heard of pea meal bacon until I moved to Toronto

Rochard 12-10-2009 12:18 PM

LOL. The DVD came in the mail yesterday!

thruma 12-11-2009 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by dyonisus (Post 162354)
Funny John Candy a Canadian invading Canada...

The title "Canadian Bacon" I also find amusing. Is Canadian Bacon not ham, and don't we usually put peameal on the side and call it back bacon or the obvious peameal bacon. I cant fing that shite anywhere here in California.

Michael Moore grew up so close to the Canadian border I think he secretly wants the honour of being Canadian.

John Candy was hiliarious.

Yeah I know and I'm Canadian.

I never knew it was Canadian Bacon until I got older and saw it in the grocery store. And frankly I prefer normal bacon. I tried the peameal stuff a few time since it's "Canadian Bacon" and I'm a Canadian but I still prefer the normal bacon. lol

dyonisus 12-18-2009 02:28 PM

Last night on Iron Chef it was challenge BACON. They actually talked about "Canadian Bacon" coming to life!

Bacon keeps me from being a vegetarian, I swear!

louisuuitt 12-23-2009 09:36 AM

very helpful post.. thanks for sharing..

Rochard 12-23-2009 12:48 PM

I watched it this past weekend. What a horrible movie!

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