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JConway 09-19-2002 04:03 PM

Do you work on the weekend?
I'm just curious how many people out there are independent and work as they please(which may include weekends), and how many are 8-5 types working for other people?

Darin 09-19-2002 04:04 PM

Weekend, whats that?


Evil Chris 09-19-2002 04:08 PM


Originally posted by Darin
Weekend, whats that?


Exactly... LOL
FunB and I are ever present on the board(s)...

goodgirl 09-19-2002 04:08 PM

I work 7 days a week, but if I don't feel like working or want to do something. I call off.

Which really pisses myself off some days. One day I just might have to fire myself....

Big J 09-19-2002 04:24 PM

Re: Do you work on the weekend?

Originally posted by JConway
I'm just curious how many people out there are independent and work as they please(which may include weekends), and how many are 8-5 types working for other people?

Work Weekends? I Tell my boss when,where,and If i am going to work!

Darin 09-19-2002 04:26 PM


Originally posted by goodgirl
I work 7 days a week, but if I don't feel like working or want to do something. I call off.

Which really pisses myself off some days. One day I just might have to fire myself....


You better sit down and have a big talk with yourself before you get out of hand there Goodgirl!

ric knows nina 09-19-2002 04:33 PM

try not to work the weekends.. but damn it, somehow I always do:mad:

Rox 09-19-2002 04:55 PM

I am, of necessity, a corporate slave. Having weekends off is one of the things that makes whoring myself to the Establishment worth doing. The somewhat large and regular paychecks are pretty good too! ;)

As a part-time pornslinger and full-time mother and wife, however, it seems I'm ALWAYS working... weekends, nights, holidays -- no rest for the wicked!

Luna 09-19-2002 04:58 PM

Summer time we don't work on weekends. Actually summer time we take a lots of week days off . Our models don't like this very much, but darn winter is too long in Canada and I want to enjoy all 30 days of summer.

Winter is different story we work 7 days a week. What else you can do when that white shit block your drive way !

Electra 09-19-2002 05:23 PM

You can't always say you aren't going to work on the weekends because a lot of other people do work..and sometimes you have to interact with the people who do.

ElvisManson 09-19-2002 05:43 PM

Although I too am a Corp. wage slave working for the MAN...I still work weekends.....I couldn't imagine going a day with responding to e-mails:rolleyes:

luke 09-19-2002 06:34 PM

Since I'm the Production Manager of Hirise Entertainment, I work M-F from 9-till whenever. Usually leave around 6-8pm. Then of course when eventually I get home I just back on the computer and work. On the weekends, I'll either come in or just work from home but to answer the question, YES, I work practically every day. Only way to keep moving forward! At least thats the way I look at it.

modF 09-19-2002 09:48 PM

I work for a .com (yes there are some left:)). So my days/nights tend to blend together.

If I am not working for "the man" I am working for myself, be it weekends, middle of the night whenever. Now if it were up to me, I would not get out of bed till noon, work till 4am then go to bed. I work so much better when it is dark outside.. Always have been a night person.

firehorse 09-19-2002 11:30 PM

We have an office studio at home and work every day of the week.

We also live on the beach and next to a massive wildlife sanctuary.

We have a pool with a spa bath at our back door.

We can make love or just have wild sex anytime we want tgoo. I love working at home and somehow it doesn't feel like work.:D

Balancve is everything.:hippy:

spudnik 09-20-2002 01:26 AM

I work for another person, but my schedule is more or less my own. My boss is happy, since I pretty much work all the time. :)

I'm a full-time student, so I have a few hours of classes every morning before heading to work. I'm generally in the office around noon and rarely get home before midnight, after which point I try to study for a few hours.

On weekends, I try to catch up on the sleep that I missed out on during the week, study a fair bit, and spend most of the rest of the time working in some capacity.

NOTR 09-20-2002 01:45 AM

50/50 depends on my mood.

Luna, you got a bigger version of that avatar ::-|

Luna 09-20-2002 10:36 AM


Originally posted by firehorse
We have an office studio at home and work every day of the week.

We also live on the beach and next to a massive wildlife sanctuary.

We have a pool with a spa bath at our back door.

We can make love or just have wild sex anytime we want tgoo. I love working at home and somehow it doesn't feel like work.:D

Balancve is everything.:hippy:

Would you adopt me ?

Luna 09-20-2002 10:37 AM


Originally posted by NOTR
50/50 depends on my mood.

Luna, you got a bigger version of that avatar ::-|

Of course I do ! :)

HoneyBlond 09-20-2002 10:39 AM

Hmm weekend you say...
I've heard of them..once a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..


luke 09-20-2002 11:20 AM

Damn Firehose. That sounds pretty nice! One day I'll have something like that.

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