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FC Support 12-24-2009 04:18 PM

Christmas Wishes from Fucking-Cash.com
Greetings, Fucking-Cash.com affiliates!

You are probably wrapping your Christmas and New Year presents now, or
decorating the Christmas tree in the living room. As you are enjoying these
highly pleasurable chores, let us share our excitement about the coming
festivities and wish all the best to all of you. You are the driving force
behind the development of Fucking-Cash.com. Everything we do, we do with
you, the affiliate, in mind. We are thankful for your cooperation and
contribution to our progress in 2009. Let 2010 be a fruitful year of
prosperity for all of us!

Have fun during the holidays! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year,
everybody! See you in 2010, with more great sites, more affiliate tools,
more exclusive HD content, and more opportunities to cash in. Happy


Yours truly,

Fucking-Cash.com crew

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