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TondaB 02-02-2010 01:12 PM

Sweetheart of a Deal - New and Existing Customers get 50% Off
Our existing customers were a little jealous that our recent promos had been for new customers only. So...we decided to show them the love with our February "Sweetheart of a Deal" promotion. New and existing customers get 50% OFF any shared hosting plan, any term.

Fall in love with Naked Hosting all over again with Promo Code: LOVE! Offer good until 2/28/10. For more information, go to http://www.nakedhosting.com/promo/

Questions? contact me at tondab at nakedhosting dot com or ICQ 61462417

TondaB 02-15-2010 06:12 PM

Bump! We are half way through the month and you only have a couple more weeks to take advantage of this great offer. Don't delay, order today:)

TondaB 02-23-2010 07:38 PM

Last chance! 50% off promo code: LOVE ends in just a few days<3

TondaB 02-26-2010 03:52 PM

Trying to reach a personal goal...need 9 more signups. HELP! Signup for 50% off any shared hosting plan before the end of the month.


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