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jaffery12 02-11-2010 06:44 AM

Re: Website promotion tips
1. Add a “favorites or bookmark this site” script to some of your business web site pages.
2. Add a "Recommend This Site" on your site. If someone visits your business Web site and knows someone else who may appreciate it, this feature will e-mail the page's link to a recipient.
3. If you have pages on your business web site that you update monthly (like an articles page or recommended links page) say so on the page.
4. Join a few Web rings. For additional information, visit WebRing and Bravenet.
5. Provide a subscription box, to your e-zine or business announcement list, on your most viewed business web site pages.
6. On large business web sites, create a "What's New Page" or even better, ask your web designer to design a "Site Map" for your visitors.

MediaGuy 02-13-2010 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by jaffery12 (Post 163422)
1. Add a “favorites or bookmark this site” script to some of your business web site pages.

...but check with current paid traffic providers (if you have some) before doing this; some won't work with sites that use the bookmark feature.


Originally Posted by jaffery12 (Post 163422)
2. Add a "Recommend This Site" on your site. If someone visits your business Web site and knows someone else who may appreciate it, this feature will e-mail the page's link to a recipient.

Some of the social bookmarking services provide widgets with multiple links to various services such as Digg, Tumblr, StumbleUpon etc...


Originally Posted by jaffery12 (Post 163422)
3. If you have pages on your business web site that you update monthly (like an articles page or recommended links page) say so on the page.

Generate an RSS feed for syndication so that people can pop this into their sites, or just in their MyYahoo and iGoogle accounts for the latest updates.


Originally Posted by jaffery12 (Post 163422)
4. Join a few Web rings. For additional information, visit WebRing and Bravenet.

Tell us more; what are webrings (I know in a general fashion but are they something old that could be new again, like xml RSS?) I've never had opportunity to use or explore them.


Originally Posted by jaffery12 (Post 163422)
5. Provide a subscription box, to your e-zine or business announcement list, on your most viewed business web site pages.

There are free, third-party services to ensure you properly follow double-opt-in, CANSPAM rules and regs...


Originally Posted by jaffery12 (Post 163422)
6. On large business web sites, create a "What's New Page" or even better, ask your web designer to design a "Site Map" for your visitors.

A sitemap is invaluable to search engine recognition and should be updated regularly, on par with the site of course. You can generate a Google and Yahoo! compliant sitemap online at http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/.


3eadult 02-19-2010 01:02 AM

Add more inbound links to your website and add more rich content.

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