New Chameleon Confirmer 1.52 is out :)
Dear users,new version of Chameleon Confirmer has been released today! We have made some tweaks, mainly for 100% compatibility of Chameleon Confirmer under Windows 7. So therefore don't hesitate and install the new version of Chameleon Confirmer right now!How to proceed? It's easy! 1. Login to the members section: Click on the DOWNLOAD section in the left menu3. download and install Confirm152.exeOf course the upgrade of Chameleon Confirmer is totally free and you don't need to pay anything at all!You don't have Chameleon Confirmer yet? Don't wait, make your work more effective today! Learn more, what can it do for you: don't want to waste your time and want to buy Chameleon Confirmer now?Just click here: you have any questions or comments about our products, don't hesitate and hit us up.Regards,Chameleon Submitter TeamURL: