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AdultB2B 02-18-2010 01:27 PM

You're Not Microsoft Or Coke, So Don't Do What They Do - Part 3 - Adult B2B Mkg. Tip
You're Not Microsoft, McDonald's, Or Coca-Cola - So Don't Emulate What They Do - Part 3

The last couple of days we talked about big businesses, how they advertise and why you shouldn't advertise that way. Here's more on that subject:

Because of the integration of advertising into our daily lives, we are constantly exposed to Level 2 advertising (the Fortune 500). And everyone assumes, based on years of passive observation, that's how marketing and advertising is done. That probably explains why so many people consider themselves advertising experts. People say, Hey, I've been submersed in it my entire life, so I certainly must know something about it. If you go to college and learn how to do advertising, you will be taught Level 2 advertising. And that's fine if you're working for a Level TWO business.

But Here's The Problem: most of the students who graduate with all these degrees in advertising and marketing don't know how to make money in the real world. You stick them in a Fortune 500 company's marketing department, and they might do okay, but if they don't have the 20, 50, or 100 year history of the company backing them up, along with the multi-million dollar or billion dollar advertising budget, it's more of a challenge for these young graduates to make money for the company. They don't know how to attract prospects in such a way that they take action. And that's crucial in getting the prospect to crossover the "Confidence Gap." They need to realize you offer a superior value. You need to make them come to this one conclusion,"I would have to be an absolute fool not to do business with anyone else but you regardless of price."

The rest tomorrow.

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