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-   -   New version of Chameleon Partner Account Requester 2.60! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=26478)

elmy 03-24-2010 06:10 AM

New version of Chameleon Partner Account Requester 2.60!
Dear users,we are very happy, that Chameleon Partner Account Requester is a software which makes your daily work of requesting partneraccounts to a lot of sites easier, therefore we have released a new better version, which you can download and use now! Would like to know more? Just click here: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/wnpar.phpAs previous submitter tools this upgrade to the new version of Chameleon PA Requester is totally free! You don't pay any charges, it is enough to login to the members section and in the left menu click on DOWNLOAD and in the list of licenses you will find ChameleonPAR260.exe, download it and install it. Don't forget to read our manual on the bottom about how to upgrade the software correctly.Haven't you tried yet Chameleon Partner Account Requester? You need more partner accounts? With Chameleon Partner Account Requester you can send request for partner accounts to more than 800 sites, and not only this, but you can also manage, export/import ( from and to Chameleon TGP/MGP Submitter ) your partner accounts and also you will have a perfect overview on your money what you have invested into partner accounts.And this is not everything, you want to know more? Click on http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/ar.php if you want to start to request your partner accounts right now, you can buy ChameleonPartner Account Requester here: https://secure.chameleonsubmitter.com/php/newbuy.phpIf you have anymore questions, don't hesitate and contact us.Yours,Chameleon Submitter TeamURL: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/

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