X Nations

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-   -   Design special: Startup paysite package, over $450 OFF! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=26489)

cardinalvices 03-25-2010 12:49 PM

Design special: Startup paysite package, over $450 OFF!
Paysite startup can be very costly. This week we devote a Special to those who start a new reality style paysite. Its already a big investment considering all the fees that you need pay to your processor, hosting and content providers. We hear you, and we will be offering a $484 USD discount to all new paysite startups.

Our paysite startup package includes:
Reality style paysite design:
- warning page design
- tourpage design
- join page design
- members area template design
Promotional package:
- 10 Animated GIF banners
- 5 Free Hosted Galleries
- 5 Half page ads

PLUS you get site design installation onto your script!

Total value of this entire design package: $1,184.00 USD
You pay ONLY: $700.00 USD
You SAVE: $484.00 USD!

Contact our Sales Department for a deal!

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