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Vid Vicious 03-26-2010 10:55 AM

it's COLD !!!
it's damn Cold out !!! wtf ??? I went out late last night around 1 am .. wasn't that cold then ... woke up in chill .. and haven't been able to lose it !!!! .. now i gotta get all bundled up just to run errands .. why oh why didn't my family immigrate to a warmer climate?

rhetorical 03-26-2010 11:58 AM

18 degrees and sunny here on the West Coast. One of the reasons I left Toronto.

Evil Chris 03-28-2010 02:56 PM

It's just a little cold spell. It's actually over already. They are calling for 18 to 20 degrees by the end of this week.

My lilac bush had some dead buds on it today from the frost of the other night.

Visualad 03-28-2010 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 164176)
it's damn Cold out !!! wtf ??? I went out late last night around 1 am .. wasn't that cold then ... woke up in chill .. and haven't been able to lose it !!!! .. now i gotta get all bundled up just to run errands .. why oh why didn't my family immigrate to a warmer climate?

you mean you are not a native canadian? You trying to tell me you dont have hockey in your blood?


Rochard 03-29-2010 12:00 AM

9pm PST and it's 63 degrees out. I went running this morning in shorts and all.

It's nice here.

Kenny B 04-02-2010 12:10 PM

We are going to have sunny and hot weekend, the top will drop today!

plugin 04-02-2010 12:58 PM

The weather is lovely today - I hated the hot sunny weekend!

Funbrunette 04-04-2010 11:10 AM

Yesterday was GORGEOUS! I was out in flip flops and t-shirt!

Virgule3 04-05-2010 06:22 PM

Yes, this weekend, here, up north (in Saguenay), I went skiing Saturday... in t-shirt!!! Yup! And if I had brought shorts, I would have worn them too! It was awesome! It was 22 degrees!!!

Vid Vicious 04-08-2010 01:28 PM

the top came down over the weekend .. Friday and Saturday !!!! WOo Hoo Winter is officially OVER !

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