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Elli 03-30-2010 01:44 PM

Cams.com Launches NEW Cobrands!
Cams.com Launches NEW Cobrands!

Are your surfers tired of the same webcam grid? Put something NEW in front of their eager eyes! Cams.com just released a brand new cobrand that you can promote as easily as any of our other sites!

Welcome to http://stripshow.com/ !

Tell Me More!

You can make just as much money with any of our internal cobrands. If you see a promotion in our affiliate area for Cams.com, then that bonus also applies to any of our own cobrands!

Track Your Traffic Better!

At Cams.com we highly recommend that you use our SubID system. This way you can tell which sales came through which promo tools. It is very easy to create a subid. Just take your normal linking code and add ".anything" to the end like so:
this: http://Stripshow.com/go/gxxxxxx
becomes this: http://Stripshow.com/go/gxxxxxx.substripshow
The subid can be any alphanumberic value of less than 20 characters (no spaces, please!)

Watch This Space!

Cams.com will be adding more cobrands in the near future to keep your surfers watching! They will range from the amateur, homemade look to the professional, slicker look of Penthouse. If you'd like a sneak peek, feel free to contact me or your affiliate manager for more details of what's coming up!

If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager or you can talk to any of our team:
Andrea at yahoo# monkeygunnagetchu
Sagi at icq #348950862
Sean (Irish Pimp) at icq #147498861 or aim salesstreamray
myself at icq# 8526983 yahoo# streamrayelli



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