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Evil Chris 03-31-2010 10:32 AM

What is up with all the fake board users?
It used to be fairly straightforward.

XNations would get a handful of porn spammer accounts or porn bots registering every day. I'd just go in and delete them before they had a chance to make a post most of the time. They're all completely automated by someone's lame script.

Now it's a bit weird. Lot's of fake users and bots signing up with very odd signatures like Makita Tools, or tables saws. I had those today plus another one with a sig to patio furniture? Someone must think that auto-joining every VBulletin Board out there is beneficial in some way. Seems like a lot of effort to me.

Maybe it's a very complex social platform matrix study.
Or maybe just idiot spammers.

Rochard 03-31-2010 10:52 AM

More people are desperate.

I opened up a Mustang board. Instantly I was slammed with hundreds of fake users a day, all from Russia. I tried blocking them every which way and finally decided it just wasn't worth the effort.

aarenlainey 04-01-2010 05:53 AM

Spamming is concidered to be: "the compulsive urge to send huge amounts of unwanted email by individuals (or companies) to a larger number of people". According to C-Net, half a billion spams are sent daily. That's 8 spams per person. More than 30 percent of the e-mail traffic consists of spam. This has to stop!

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