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What do you think about SARS? I -really- want to know...
What does everyone thing about this whole SARS thing? I keep watching the news and it looks as if it's getting worse and worse, but nobody that I know seems very concerned by it. Is it for real or just media hype? I really want to know how bad this could really get.
I know our medical technology is the best it's ever been, but that doesn't mean we're completely safe...ok I'm a little paranoid ;)) I'm concerned because my youngest daughter gets respiratory illnesses very easily. She was a bit premature and was on a ventilator for the first 2 1/2 weeks of her life. As a result, she has problems with chronic bronchitis all winter long...poor kiddo :( My husband and I have agreed that if cases of SARS begin to appear within the region, we may have to find an alternate method of education for her and pull her out of school. Am I being overly-protective? I'm just so concerned because she catches respiratory problems so easily :((( What would you do? :( |
Its a pretty scary virus . My mom has been following up with this issue since early January 2003 its only new to the rest of the world but it happened a while ago in asian but now spreading to other parts of world. She told me it started with chickens (kind of like saminilla poioning here) but the germ kind of mutated so its wayyy more hardcore than that and its more deadly as with saminilla is just an illness that gives u harsh diaherea.
Anyways yeah so in china they get their chickens live and pretty much buy it live and kill it at home or at the meat place then eat it pretty quick , perhaps that evening when its dinner time. Which we the western side do not do that because its not safe and very unsanitary our chicken is already previously frozen prior to purchasing the meat. So i guess the first initial case started in China which killed a whole family and then going to Hong Kong to the Hospiatal it spread from there without anyone knowing yet. Then next step was someone who had it not know flew on a plane to north america somewhere and infected a some people on the plane as well. Hmmm .. i think this is the most accurate i can put it, if you hear otherwise there's lots of diffrent stories about how it started but i am basing this one on my mom's asian newspaper articles . :( |
I thought that it was respiratory...? Is the story that salmonella has mutated into a respiratory form? If so...oh shit.
I have had salmonella before, it felt like I was about to die LOL ouuuuchhhhh What a strange mutation if it's correct... :( Man, I'm watching the news right now and they are reporting 111 cases of SARS in Toronto and the surrounding areas, and 4 deaths. They have everyone in a voluntary quarantine. This is a little bit freaky. |
My late father-in-law used to say, "For every one thing the doctors know, there's 10 things they don't." It's a frighteningly true statement.
If there was an outbreak here, I can assure you that my kids would be home from school, I'd be working from home and my wife (who works in the health care industry) would either be home with us, or staying somewhere else until the scare was over. I wouldn't put my kids at risk for anything. The wife can make her own choices where she's concerned. :cool: P.S. My daughter has an incredible tolerance for pain. She's hit 105 degrees once and 104 degrees twice in her 3 short years. That alone is very scary. That's the only way we ever know if she's sick or not. I say this because I don't like seeing my kids sick, let alone sick with something they know nothing about. |
I was in the health care profession for 5 years, and I have seen some scary shit. Maybe that's why I'm so paranoid about these things...I have been out of nursing for 4 years now so I can't remember the name of it, but as I was exiting the profession I took care of a patient that had this BAD bug. It was a bacteria, but wasn't treatable with ANY of the big guns like Vancomycin... ARGH what was it?? Driving me nuts now lol, maybe your wife can remember...
I can forsee another virus or similar coming along and wiping out a large percentage of the world population. It's happened before (Black Plague...), and I think, with all the antibiotics they give to the cows, pigs...that we eat and other pesticides and whatnot in crops, we may be unknowigly becoming weaker and weaker as a species to fight a crazy virus that will wipe us out.
Just drew my view from snippets of news I have seen here and there. Yeah, pretty scary. Its one big experiment on all of us, with all the genetically modified foods...that may all contribute to us not having the ability to fight off stuff like SARS. One great show to pick up paraniod thoughts from is Coast to Coast radio show (the old Art Bell show). They talk about stuff like this all the time.
what do I think about it?
I think it would have been contained by now if the fucking chinese didn't hide it for so long. Kinda like when they didn't have ANY cases of aides when the rest of the world did. I hope those irresposible assholes get wiped out. |
Yeah i do agree the damn Govenment in China should have took responsibility after finding out the problem instead they hid it and because of that the virus spread to hong kong which affected the people there. They were innocent "chinese"people who got sick and died. Next time u should choose better choice of words 12clicksloser. Also your signature is too long |
I live in Hong Kong so I am fairly well versed in this whole thing.
SARS or Atypical Pneumonia did not originate with chickens, not has it anything to do with salmonella. It did first seem to appear in Guangdong (Southern China) and due to the proximity to Hong Kong spread to Hong Kong fairly rapidly. The first small outbreak occured in one of the hospitals here after a patient was admitted with what apppeared to be simple pneumonia. After a numer of other patients in the ward came doen with it the authorities started analysing where the original infection came from. An apartment building here was identified as the most likely ground zero for the virus arriving in Hong Kong, with a large number of residents now having been diagnosed with the illness. It is called SARS because it causes sever acute respiratory difficulty. The virus has been identified and a vaccine is being tested but it might take a while before its deemed safe for humans. However the only ones really at major risk are the elderly, very young children and the already sick. A high percentage of the people infected here have fully recovered including 9 medical staff amongst the first to get sick. It has also been shown that the severity of the illness depends uopn the amount of virus you are exposed to, so if for example you touch an elevator button after an infected person has touched it, then rub your eye you will likely only receive a very mild dose. A mild dose has been shown to cause sore throats and other minor symptoms. Not too had for your own immune system to fight and in the process give you natural immunity. Having someone sneeze or cough virus droplets on you will lead to a much higher exposure to the virus and the potential for a more severe case. Hong Kong has been taking major precautions since it first appeared, all schools have been closed for a week (still shut) and companies with infected staff members have shut down and given all staff, sick or not, paid sick leave. Those persons needing to go out in public are mostly wearing level 3 grade surgical masks to minimise the spread of the virus. The virus so far appears not to be airborne but is spread by droplets and the virus can live outside the body for 3 hours. Whilst it is still a serious issue its not worth panicking about. If I were you I'd wory more about Muslims coming after you. If anyone needs any further info I suggest you look here SARS info Pervy |
The chinese hid this epidenic until it reached hong kong. And as far as my signature goes, why don't you change it then you *government of china* apologist.:worthy: |
Well here's an update...I just brough my youngest daughter home from the doc and she has pneumonia :(( Breathing treatments, stout antibiotics...
Not happy about this :( |
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