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Evil Chris 05-05-2010 10:03 PM

Well, I've been using CHROME
It's been about a month that I've been using Chrome and I have to say I'm impressed with it. I like how it feels way more than FF.

I still go back to IE just out of (bad) habit once in awhile. Some of my passwords are still stored there, but for the most part I'm all over Chrome. I can't believe I only recently decided to use it. If you're not, give it a try.

Visualad 05-06-2010 06:06 AM

Some things Im very fast to adapt to. For web browsers. Im not. ;-) took me years to even try out FireFox.

Internet Explorer always works for me and loads pretty fast, I guess thats why I never bothered checking out the alternatives. IŽll try chrome soon though. :-)

cthulhu_waves 05-06-2010 12:39 PM

I use Chrome and FF interchangeably for certain tasks. I read FB and my emails in FF while I do everything else in Chrome even watching tube sites. Maybe Chrome just works better with complicated tasks.

MediaGuy 05-06-2010 05:05 PM

I use IE only because the bookmark list can be pinned so I can click-down from program to program or client to client if I want.

But for quick-surf link jumping, Chrome makes IE and FF look like fat, retarded elephant amputees crawling in molasses.

Just my 2 cents :P


bluemoney 05-06-2010 10:59 PM

I'm an FF guy myself.

Nikki_Licks 05-07-2010 09:29 AM

I was on FF and liked it, but my buddy turned me on to Chrome and I must say, I do like some of its features better.....but I still have some "getting use to" chrome and all its widgets

Kenny B 05-07-2010 12:05 PM

I`m still a fan of FF!

MediaGuy 05-07-2010 12:31 PM

I have to use FF, IE, Safari and Chrome (because it's going to beat them all down the road, I'm sure) just to make sure designs and functions are cross-compatible, which is a pain.

But like I said, for clients and programs I have the bookmark list and am always in IE.

For popping to and from multiple sites for board posting, design checks, research, checking stats, twuffer and twitter posting, blogging, etc (multitasking), Chrome rocks for responsiveness and speed.

FF has a good SEO plug-in, and Safari, well.... sigh I'm not a Mac-fan but we still have to work on them, ya know?


rhetorical 05-07-2010 01:05 PM

chrome feels like a corvette. The others feel like Civics.

plugin 05-07-2010 06:47 PM

Google Chrome is definitely a winner

CamsMaster 05-08-2010 06:59 PM

FF is the king for me @:) sorry but this is the truth

EvilDan 05-10-2010 11:22 AM

I recently told a client that to check the CMS and DMS we just delivered to him, use anything other than I.E., as previous versions of it wont work. Sort of say a lot about a browser when you have to say that and not for any other browser in the market today

Stephane76 05-10-2010 05:23 PM

>> big chrome fan
i still have ff and ie as back up

Danny 05-11-2010 09:48 AM

Chrome is quite good. But I just have everything bookmarked and saved on Firefox and I am just too lazy to move it all over. The bookmarks will transfer, but not all the saved logins I have with well over 100 different passwords!

Cyndalie 05-11-2010 11:13 AM

I love Chrome. I use it and FF equally. For FF i love the tools like FireFTP and Firebug so it's my 'work' browser.

ppo_tommy 05-11-2010 03:44 PM

i have a qeustion how many post do i need to have my signiture on my post???????

BuggyG 05-11-2010 08:56 PM

Use both Chrome and IE. FF.. less nd less. Been getting too slow and contrary to what many say, IE does not crash on me when got fw windows open as FF does. But to each their personla taste. You don't like.. meh it' your choice. Never understood why everyone jumps on somsone just cause they like IE..Chrome.. or whatever browser or the all popular MAC vs PC debate. I like PC but still ue MACS. Personal taste is all it comes down to

plugin 05-17-2010 06:28 AM

I am recently using firefox but it is not fast as google chrome and opera 10
anyways waiting for chromes new outs and updates

Rochard 05-18-2010 02:32 AM

Tried it, nice for me. Went back to FF.

GJ_Servers 05-19-2010 10:33 PM

I just started using Chrome and like it. I still use FF & IE. It seems like some plugins work in one, but not the other. So, I think I'll always be using several browsers.

dyonisus 05-24-2010 01:07 PM

I switched a few weeks ago I am using it predominantly for general surfing etc. I also use it for creating sites (Generally I have found if it works in Chrome it should work in FF and Safari, unfortunately it is sad how far IE is falling behind as a viable browser.

AdultLabsPromo 05-26-2010 11:48 AM

In my opinion...there are only two browsers: Chrome for daily use because it's the fastest and Firefox for web developers because great add-ons that are very useful...

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