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AdultB2B 05-11-2010 02:24 PM

How To Be Creative When Marketing (Part 3) - Adult B2B Marketing Tip

Yesterday we talked about being creative. We ended with 5 of the 8 steps you need to go through. They are Living with IT, Observation, Analyze, Idea Generation and Harvesting. You may want to read the posts back to back.

Here are the next 3 steps:

Enhance Your Ideas. What to do with your ideas? At first, the thoughts might be snippets of something. Three, four words penciled in by a picture you cut out of a magazine, a phrase or two. This step requires you to revisit those ideas. To look at them and add to them later, after the heat of the moment is gone. I would put forward that you spend time at the end of the week in enhancement. Add to the ideas, do some research, beef them up. Take those quick phrases and add some detail. Only then can you really begin to…

Evaluate. After you add to the idea, put it to a practical evaluation. Really scrutinize this idea, see if it would be feasible. If needed, bring someone into your idea world and see if it pans out. Then you begin the process of…

Implementation. Lastly, put your idea into action. It is not enough just to have creative thoughts; ideas have no value until we put in the work to implement them. Every new idea put into practice (that is, every innovation) changes the world we live in. Strive to use what you have generated, whether that be in your most recent ad or a new line in a script the receptionist uses.

Now that you have a basic understanding of this cycle, let me give you four easy things, four simple habits that will really begin to add value to your marketing this week.

FIRST, begin with the project you are currently working on; use images. Now these images can be charts, graphs, or tables. They can even be photos. One, it will make you a better writer. You will be able to use images in a more effective fashion; rather than having them as static chunks of information, you will help the reader understand and realize the value of the information you are providing. It will make your work better!!!

SECOND, begin collecting ads, pictures, story layouts – anything – today. The trick is to collect both the stuff you think is fantastic and the stuff you think stinks. This way you will begin to see the difference. You will see the patterns emerge.

THIRD, mimic, mimic, and mimic the good stuff you find. Until you get good, use what you are given. If a layout appeals to you, then use it on your next ad. You are not a creative genius (YET).

FOURTH and last, visit the library. Check out some books on design, layout, and commercial art, anything that you can get your hands on. Learn how to perfect your craft.

Each of us can be better, no matter where we are at in this life. Using this method and those four simple steps will improve your marketing immensely.

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