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Evil Chris 05-14-2010 11:22 AM

Who's watching LOST
I enjoyed this week's episode, which was basically the history of Jacob and the man in black and how they came out to be on the island.

Thoughts on this one? We still don't know what the light at the centre of the island is, something of a deity I'm thinking. It answered some questions which was nice, but in usual LOST form, it also brought several more questions to the forefront.

Hopefully LOST the movie will answer it all one or two years from now.

plugin 05-16-2010 03:44 PM

First episode was awesome

Rochard 05-18-2010 02:31 AM

I think I'm going to wait until it's completely over and then watch the entire thing over a month long period.

I did this with Sopranos. It didn't sound it was something that interest. But shortly after the entire run ended I caught a re-run, thought it was good, bought the entire box set. What a great show that was!

student4ever 05-18-2010 02:26 PM

I'm just wondering how it's all going to get tied up nicely in the remaining time. The Jacob and "brother" episode was a great insight and done well as usual. Still feels like a LONG ways to go though...

Evil Chris 05-19-2010 10:56 PM

So Jack is the "chosen one"?

dyonisus 05-24-2010 12:48 PM

Thoughts on the finale? Was 6 yrs worth it?

Evil Chris 05-25-2010 11:54 AM

Finale was everything I hoped it could be. Very pleased with it.
Makes me want to start watching it all over again from the first season, although that's a bit of a time commitment!

dyonisus 05-27-2010 06:33 PM

EC you are only the 2nd I have heard who liked it.

I kinda felt there was a start a bunch of story telling and then and end which was really the beginning. They all died in the plane crash thks for watching our tall tale of the afterlife.

I am going to watch it over again, maybe in a few months when I am over my disappointment.

Although I will say it had a huge emotional impact on me watching the characters find each other and realize what had actually happened.

CamsMaster 05-28-2010 04:54 AM

I used to watch but, didn't had the patience until the next episode will came, so I stop watching it.

escort-service 09-09-2010 09:56 AM

Watched all, some of them twice: Awesome!

escort-service 09-09-2010 10:25 AM

If you need episodes, just hit me
icq: 604816515 email: idraedizioni > gmail .com

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