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SultanCash 05-17-2010 05:32 PM

Hosted FLV videos from SultanCash
http://www.sultancash.com/ releases hosted and embedded flv files for our sites!

Main features:
- 2 minutes in length!
- 180 hosted flv files available now.
- Custom output to match any format needed

(You can export fields such as: ID, FLV Url, Embed HTML, Title, Description, Site name, Duration, Width, Height, Thumb 240x180, Thumb 736x414, Date added)

Besides you can find there XML feed.

To get the vids go to Tools --> Hosted --> Flash Video

To get the XML go to Tools --> Feeds --> XML (flv movies)

If you have any questions, e-mail us

Best Regards, http://www.sultancash.com/

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