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-   -   Brandi Love Reborn! ThatOneProgram's Newest Addition! Brandi Love's Swinger Social Ne (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=26829)

selena 05-20-2010 12:44 PM

Brandi Love Reborn! ThatOneProgram's Newest Addition! Brandi Love's Swinger Social Ne
We have been working diligently on bringing back that hot little momma Brandi Love! Brandi will be hosting her very own Swinger Social Network!

Brandi has been making members shoot their loads all over their keyboards for years, and now its time to get social and make some cold hard cash in these hard times with a brand you all know sells like a mofo, With a program you know you can trust!

The site was pulled into That One Program and completely rebuilt from the ground up. Two days ago we finally turned the site on and its seeing conversions as strong as 1:44 on the very first full day.

Check out the screenshots below for a sampling of what a member gets inside the site. Then after that get your asses over to That One Program to grab your link codes, galleries, banners and anything else you may need to Promote the new Brandi Love.

http://3xtom.com/private/gfy/brandi/Brandi_SS1.jpg http://3xtom.com/private/gfy/brandi/brandi_SS2.jpg


I also wanted to take this time to thank everyone that has helped in making That One Program a success.


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