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-   -   Sextronix Goes Mobile - 36 Mobile Sites + Your Own Whitelable + 2200 Mobile FHGs (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=26830)

Itchy 05-20-2010 12:50 PM

Sextronix Goes Mobile - 36 Mobile Sites + Your Own Whitelable + 2200 Mobile FHGs

We are proud to present you mobile versions of our 36 sites!

If you are already promoting matching web sites, visitors from mobile devices will redirected to mobile versions of the same site.

http://www.sextronix.com/images/mail...tmobile300.jpg http://www.sextronix.com/images/mail...tmobile300.jpg http://www.sextronix.com/images/mail...smobile300.jpg http://www.sextronix.com/images/mail...dmobile300.jpg http://www.sextronix.com/images/mail...amobile300.jpg http://www.sextronix.com/images/mail...dmobile300.jpg

We have also created mobile versions of our 2200 free hosted galleries. You can choose the ones you like or use our bulk exporter tool or use our rss feeds to acquire them by your mobile TGP program. You may already be promoting web version of these galleries, in this case if the FHG will be visited by a mobile device, we will display mobile version of this gallery.

We have also put a redirect script for you if you wish to forward your mobile traffic to one of our sites. We have also converted our hosted blogs to mobile version. You may also surf thru our free content for mobile and get mp4 files for your own galleries.

Build Your Own Mobile Site!

We have created 20 niche whitelable solution for you if you want to create your own mobile site. You can change colors, logo, use your own domain or our 3rd party domain. Payouts are same as our mobile pay sites.


If you are not an affiliate yet, please check out our 130+ web sites and 36 mobile sites at Sextronix

Any questions or requests? Please submit a ticket or contact icq;

Itchy #2588560 itchy@sextronix.com
CashGordon #306500802 emin@sextronix.com
Loki #307484641 loki@sextronix.com
GKC #489425570 gkc@sextronix.com

Best Regards
Sextronix Team

fatfoo 05-20-2010 02:59 PM

Amazing deal from $EXTRONIX. Good luck!

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