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daizzzy 08-12-2010 04:43 AM

[LIST] 1-5 days Cookie Time CCBILL programs
That's the list of ones: http://www.signbucksdaily.com/marketing/ccbill-cookies/

There's no industry standard for cookie time, but 1-5 days is definitely not enough for 50/50 revshare program (i guess 7 days is ok, a month is perfect. many programs have it set to 255 days - highest possible option for ccbill program). But it's up to you to decide. If you find a program u promote in that list - contact the owner and ask him to increase its time. Once he does this - he needs to send me a line at daizzzySIGNBUCKSDAILYcom and i'll remove him from the list

The bad thing about CCBill company, which doesn't like get itself involved into any issue of that kind, is that default cookie setting is 3 days. If you CCBill guys want better relations with webmasters, set it to 7 days as default (applying for new programs).

jimmer 09-13-2010 01:33 PM

I have had some issues with CCBill. They scrub sales and seem to have a lot of bugs.

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