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Elli 09-03-2010 06:50 PM

AdultFriendFinder: Epassporte Updates
September 3, 2010

URGENT: Please update your payment information

Due to the recent suspension of ePassporte’s Visa program, we can no longer offer ePassporte as a method of payment. Please login to your account and select a new payment method by Tuesday, September 7 to ensure your funds will be disbursed on time. You may elect to receive payment by check, ACH (for affiliates operating in the US), Paypal or Payoneer (for payments over $50).

For details on the ePassporte situation, read the full story here: http://www.xbiznewswire.com/view.php?id=124842.

Should you have any additional questions, please contact your affiliate manager.
IF you have no affiliate manager, you can contact our general "affiliate team" help through our online help system or send me an email (streamrayelli at gmail dot com).

Thank you,
The Medley.com Team
FriendFinder Networks

plugin 09-04-2010 11:46 AM

just hope Epass will find a quick solution.

camwealth 09-04-2010 10:08 PM

I have a feeling epass will have this resolved by the end of the week.. Of course Im not saying how it will be resolved lol.. I hope its not another processor that dissapears with all our funds.. We run our business with epass and use the visa virtual for business expenses.. However that now means my entire business is on "hold" until epass gets everything straightened out..
You would have though they had some failsafes if this was to happen.

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