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mailman 04-08-2003 08:11 AM

New Job
Hey guys and dolls...

i hope FB dont say this to be spam but i just wanna let you all know that im now working with Epic Cash!

If you wanna check it out see my sig... :)

fish 04-08-2003 10:27 AM

i want a new job too...:(

Mister X 04-08-2003 11:06 AM

Congrats mailman!:xthumbs:

luke 04-08-2003 11:38 AM

Condgrats and good luck!

Panky 04-08-2003 12:55 PM

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/9/biggthum.gif" width="33" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Bigsampy 04-08-2003 05:43 PM

Congrats! I have pretty mcuh given up on getting a job. :mad:

Danbo 04-08-2003 06:16 PM

Nice! Epic Cash is a great outfit! :)

Hey there, BigSampy! Haven't seen you in a while - how goes it?

Sly 04-08-2003 09:19 PM

Welcome to the team, bro!

Psst... you forgot to mention how well our new site, Her First Dick, is doing... :D

mailman 04-08-2003 09:59 PM


Originally posted by Sly
Welcome to the team, bro!

Psst... you forgot to mention how well our new site, Her First Dick, is doing... :D

Ohhhh indeed i did.... its converting better then FB nude preggo site :)


KCJ 04-09-2003 04:22 AM

congrats man I am sure u r gonna do well at yr new job!

Bigsampy 04-09-2003 03:48 PM


Originally posted by Danbo
Nice! Epic Cash is a great outfit! :)

Hey there, BigSampy! Haven't seen you in a while - how goes it?

Hey Danbo! pretty good here in sunny northeast ohio. I had written you a wittier reply but the internet ate it.

Is your alliance still going?

Kris 04-09-2003 04:14 PM

congrats on that! :cool:

Danbo 04-09-2003 04:43 PM

Hi BigSampy!!

I have no idea about the Alliance - I was suckered into it along with everybody else - as it turns out, I caught Jeff and Ben stealing Alliance traffic, falsifying stats, you name it - if it was crooked, they were doing it. When I figured out what was going on, I publically confronted them - they denied everything, of course, and kicked me out. :)

Since then, I've been making galleries and kicking butt - without the Alliance sucking up all my time for NOTHING (actually, I made a whole $8 from FEB while an Alliance member - 9 months)!! :bonk:

How about you - what have you been up to?

Funbrunette 04-09-2003 07:06 PM

Woohoooooo! CONGRATS!!!! You're going to kick ass! Smart choice of Epic cash to snag you! :xthumbs:

Oh can I have my naked preggo pics back now? :blush:

mailman 04-10-2003 04:26 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Oh can I have my naked preggo pics back now? :blush:
nope im still enjoying them...

you can have then back when Chris wins the Hockey pool... lol

Bigsampy 04-10-2003 05:40 PM


Originally posted by Danbo
Hi BigSampy!!

I have no idea about the Alliance - I was suckered into it along with everybody else - as it turns out, I caught Jeff and Ben stealing Alliance traffic, falsifying stats, you name it - if it was crooked, they were doing it. When I figured out what was going on, I publically confronted them - they denied everything, of course, and kicked me out. :)

Since then, I've been making galleries and kicking butt - without the Alliance sucking up all my time for NOTHING (actually, I made a whole $8 from FEB while an Alliance member - 9 months)!! :bonk:

How about you - what have you been up to?

Wow - sorry to here that. I still get the occasional email that sites I built months ago are just now being added to lists. I have been working real hard to keep my dvd rental site profitible, while also building up my review site and working on some new related stuff. Nothing real exciting unless I can convince my wife that I should be the next Bruno B...but for some reason I think the Padres have a better chance of winning the world series this year.

Danbo 04-10-2003 07:15 PM


Nothing real exciting unless I can convince my wife that I should be the next Bruno B...but for some reason I think the Padres have a better chance of winning the world series this year.
I heard that!! If I asked my wife, you would probably see my head being ridden through the streets!!

Yo Adrian 04-10-2003 08:20 PM

Big congrats on the new job mailman! :cool:

mailman 04-12-2003 12:25 AM


Originally posted by Yo Adrian
Big congrats on the new job mailman! :cool:

thanks beef turkey :)

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