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Feynman 04-08-2003 06:51 PM

Which SLR digital camera to buy ?
I want to buy an SLR digital camera.

I hesitate between the

Fuji FinePix S2 Pro

Nikon D100

Canon EOS 10D

Any pros and cons, bad experiences with any models, severe limitations ?


Blue_Spade 04-08-2003 07:57 PM

Hey there!

I have the Nikon D100 and I am purty damn happy with it. When shopping I only compared with the EOS 10D because I once had a Fuji and was not too happy with it. I have always loved Nikon's products.

Check out http://www.dpreview.com

Tons of great info over there.

Peace Be.

Mister X 04-09-2003 12:16 AM

I like the Fuji a lot. Also Olympus has a pretty good pro level camera out. Can't recall the model number at the moment.

wsjb78 04-09-2003 05:14 AM

Mister X I think you mean the Olympus C-5050Z.

I have bought myself the amateur model (C50Z) and like it alot!

However Feyman, I recommend you just inform yourself a bit on a few camera types and then go to some shop and make some field testing with all of them... maybe you feel just very confortable with one of them just by using it...

Vanaweb 04-09-2003 03:54 PM

Ye the Olumpus c5050 is cool. Took my Powershot G3 back to the shop and swapped it for a the c5050, love it. The G3 was crap in low light. :(

None of those are SLR but the D100 is supposed to be comparable in quality to its big daddy the D1X apart from speed, build etc..


wsjb78 04-09-2003 04:52 PM

Well, regarding fiel testing I got some good advice when I was asking here on what to watch when buying a digi cam:


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