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adultsitecms 10-22-2010 02:50 PM

Adult Affiliate CMS Makes Updates Easy
Adult Affiliate CMS Makes Updates Easy

Los Angeles, CA -- Managing an affiliate program just got easier with the launch of AdultAffiliateCMS, a user-friendly and WordPress-based content affiliate management system. Edit the templates, upload the content via the admin or ftp, and schedule content publishing for future updates -- updating is this easy when you use AdultAffiliateCMS.

Zips are automatically created for downloadable image sets and the Picture and Video of the day automatically rotates. The software automates watermarking, offers 14 translated languages, and allows for batch uploading and flash video embedding. AdultAffiliateCMS also offers hosted photo and video galleries.

Created by adult industry veteran Claude Lai, CEO of Adult Industry Solutions, AdultAffiliateCMS is very easy to install (just like Wordpress) and requires very little if no custom third party applications in order to run.

“When creating this system, I looked at the details it takes to manage the content part of an affiliate program and thought I would design something that is not only easy to use and relevant in features, but also secure. AdultAffiliateCMS admin is protected by IP detection and brute-force hack attempts,” Lai said. “Not only do users gain a fully automated affiliate content management system, but they also get a system created specifically to address the issues that arise with running a program in this day and age.”

AdultAffiliateCMS runs on all affiliate programs including CCBill, DHDmedia, Epoch, NATS and MPA3. For more information and to view the demo visit: http://adultaffiliatecms.com/demo/

Contact us at:
Tel: 818.276.1792
ICQ: 433-857-869

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