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AdultB2B 10-29-2010 01:08 PM

How To Be Creative When Marketing (Part 3) - Adult B2B Marketing Tip

There are eight steps in total; eight steps that fall into those rough categories.

Living with IT. This step is relatively easy. As a marketer, your job is to create powerful strategies, communication, ads that get results. Well, that is your IT. So you begin to be aware of this, your reticular system picks up on stuff and that leads to…

Observation. Here you actively search out advertising. You gather information about companies, what they say, how good they are. This is where you do surveys; you just start gathering intelligence, information – anything you can get your hands on. And I would suggest you begin to DEVOUR anything you can get your hands on. Become a rabid fan of everything!!! And then on a subconscious level, if not out loud, you begin to…

Analyze. You look at the stuff and on one level you either decide it is good or bad. You may read the text and puzzle over what it means. You compare styles; you evaluate it in terms of what you know. This process inevitably leads to you saying, “I could write this crap!!” Which leads to…

Idea Generation. Your mind begins to come up with various solutions or ways that you could say this or that. Your mind takes what you know (all your “stuff”) and it puts things together. Generally, this is where most people stop. And please realize why you generally will stop here because the next steps take a measure of discipline and that is why most people won’t ever be successful…because they won’t take a few minutes to really be creative.
So your mind starts giving you stuff; it just hands over ideas and thoughts you could use, if you just spent some time…

Harvesting. In the first of our “disciplined” parts, a really creative person will want to keep those ideas. They recognize how powerful those ideas are. So they keep a record. A journal is great for this stuff. This is one of the premises behind the Buyer’s Journal, keeping those thoughts. As Jim Rohn says, “Get the stuff!!! I got the stuff.” You MUST record your thoughts and ideas. Without them you are nothing. Stop flying by the seat of your pants!!! Your mind will automatically, if you train it, spit all sorts of stuff out, great stuff, stuff that will make you rich.

This is the basis behind Napoleon Hill’s autosuggestion. Get good at recording your thoughts. No, don’t just get good, get FLAWLESS at recording it, don’t miss a thing. Because the next step is a real bugger, you must begin to…

We'll wrap this up Monday.

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