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TondaB 11-01-2010 01:45 PM

100Mbits for $99 @nakedhosting
The month of November is THE time to switch hosts! GOBBLE up the savings
at Naked Hosting.

To start, new Naked Hosting shared clients will receive 50% off any
prepaid, GEEK or NERD plan. That's unlimited domains, unlimited storage,
unlimited bandwidth AND cPanel for as low as $3.47 per month! Need a
dedicated IP and a free SSL certificate? Go NERD for just $5.97 per month. Promo Code: GOBBLE

GOBBLE, GOBBLE - You know you are not full of deals yet!

Naked Hosting Fully Managed Dedicated Servers are already a steal at just
$99 per month. Add in 100Mbits unmetered and you have yourself a full

Wait, let me repeat that again for those with stuffing on their brain. Get
a fully managed dedicated server with 100Mbits unmetered for as low as $99
per month

Don't turkey out, this offer will end November 30, 2010. Promo Code: GOBBLE

To place an order or for more information on this promo:

Questions? tondab at nakedhosting dot com or ICQ 61462417

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