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erika 09-22-2002 05:42 AM

Time to dig out the winter woolies
Well its almost hibernation time, we are now getting those nasty northerly winds and the temperatures are dropping, its currently sitting at 42° F / 6° C
by sunday night they are calling for 24° F. / -4° C.
Time to dig out those winter woolies, as this little body doesnt have the meat to keep it warm.

LadyDesigner 09-22-2002 10:43 AM

Wow! That's cold! I'm so ready for winter - to bad it was 101°F. yesterday! YUCK :(

Evil Chris 09-22-2002 11:43 AM


Originally posted by LadyDesigner
Wow! That's cold! I'm so ready for winter - to bad it was 101°F. yesterday! YUCK :(
Lady D... where do you live that it's so hot like that? Let me guess... Arizona? :cool:

Montreal has been unseasonably warm recently.... and very humid. We're kinda anxious for some fall-like temperatures here.

LadyDesigner 09-22-2002 12:00 PM

Nope - Northern California. It's unseasonably hot here and they say it's going to get worse before it cools off. :(

ric knows nina 09-22-2002 03:32 PM

nyc has been really warm too... still in the 80's. I'm loving it :)

erika 09-23-2002 04:05 AM

I almost fell outta my chair when i saw this on my weather page
Thursday Night
Scattered Clouds. Low: 10° F. / -12°

Funbrunette 09-23-2002 09:33 AM

I love fall, it's so beautiful! It's my favorite season! :D

Raya 09-23-2002 03:56 PM

I love the end of summer and fall. I love the cool nights and thewarm but not humid days. I can't wait. I am so tired of feeling like I can't breath.

erika 09-23-2002 04:21 PM

One good thing about the cold is the northern lights show, its so bright and colorful, Im gonna try and see if this new digital cam will capture it
I just got a canon digital camera , it has a nightmode on it so it may just work

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